They can make us sick by biting us. The banana said so.

Abed: I'm like Robocop.
Annie: Yes. Cherise is a bad rowboat. Sink her.

Accidents don't just happen over and over and over again. This isn't budget daycare.

Annie: There's a conspiracy here. A dark, vast conspiracy that just may that go all the way to the top.
Jeff: This is Greendale, Annie. If there is a conspiracy, it goes to slightly above the middle.

I'm not a relaxed person Britta. I think ahead. I prepare. I don't improvise my life like Caroline Decker, who probably has really bad credit and an unfinished mermaid tattoo.

Jeff: How old is he again?
Annie: 30-something I guess. He has a land-line and uses the world album.

I'm only taking this because I'm a little worried about making rent and they told me the procedure for selling eggs takes three weeks.

Pierce: What is a period fairy?
Annie: The fairy that gives you a dollar every time you get your period
Pierce: Does she still come?

He's about to get flushed down the toilet in the next scene and he'll be done.

Annie: I'm... ew, Hector the well-endowed? Abed!
Abed: I didn't know you'd pick one at random. I made that one with Troy in mind.

Is she a friend of Ellen?

Annie: We know there's no point Jeff, we kinda just felt like feeling it.
Shirley: Yeah Jeff, what are you, Abed? Oh - sorry Abed!

Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
