Sean: You have a t-shirt I can borrow?
Birkhoff: NO!

Alex: Birkhoff, you there?
Birkhoff: Holy crap. You're alive. I thought the Terminator got you.
Alex: Still after me.

Birkhoff: Lord Voldemort
Carla: Wait, wait a second. Go back. I know that guy.
Nikita: Ari Tasarov?

Which brings us back to ... put my hardware down, Bitch.

Ba ba ba ba ba. It's not yours to question the genius only to marvel at it.

And, if you act now, we'll throw in a second replicator free.

How was I supposed to know that Lex Luthor was in the building?

Oh, God, Percy, can't you just die already?

Birkhoff: Why are you looking at me? No. No. No to the power of no.
Nikita: Birkhoff, come on, haven't you always wanted to bankroll a revolution?

Sorry, but the Bank of Birkhoff is closed for business.

What, you mean our recurring game of Whac-A-Mole? Knock down Percy, up pops Amanda. Take out Amanda, Percy's back on top. It's never gonna to end. And, we're broke!

Ah, bow down before Shadow Walker!

Nikita Quotes

The last word they breathe before the end, will be my name.


I was the first recruit to get out, and I'm going to make certain I'm not the last.


Nikita Music

  Song Artist
Elephant Song The Enemy iTunes
Song Fuego Bomba Estereo iTunes
The Step And The Walk The Duke Spirit iTunes