Arizona: Maybe we're bouncier in ped's, than in general surgery. But I thought there would be a yay! Or some jumping around. 'Cause you look pretty dower for someone whose about to start a highly prized fellowship. You are about to start a highly prized fellowship right?
Callie: Hey, I've got a plan to stop George, you in?
Arizona: Stop George from what?
Bailey: Ah, he joined the army. Yes. I'm in.
Arizona: Bailey, I'm talking to you! Why are you trying to stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army.
Arizona: And?
Callie: And, because he's my ex husband, and I know his mom and I love his mom. And, normally Izzie would talk sense into him but, she's got cancer, and kind of a bad mental deficit. So, it's on me to stop him.
Arizona: Why would you wanna stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army. Don't you think that's a problem?
Arizona: I think that's awesome.
Callie: Awesome?

Bailey: What did you do to O'Malley?
Owen: Excuse me?
Bailey: Ah, somebody else around here likely to convince someone to join the army, and be a trauma surgeon in Iraq?
Callie: What?
Meredith: The army?
Callie: What?
Meredith: De fib
Owen: Charge the paddles to 360
Bailey: Owen, you have to call and undo this.
Owen: Bailey, little busy here.
Meredith: Clear
Callie: George... George O'Malley!
Owen: It wasn't my idea
Meredith: No change
Owen: Charge again.
Meredith: Clear
Owen: Look, I did what I could to give him a decent education in trauma. I didn't know he was gonna go and enlist.
Meredith: He keeps coding.
Callie: There's Y open book pelvic fractures.
Owen: There's too much bleeding. If we take him to an OR now he'll die on the table.
Callie: He needs to go to angio if we're gonna stop the pelvic arterial bleeding.
Meredith: Sinus tac, we have a rhythm. Barely there, but it's there.
Owen: Let's stabilize the pelvis
Bailey: Look, I know what goes on in this hospital. I know you're messed up from that war and not in a small way. Get him out of it!
Callie: Page me if you need me. I've got other pages.
Mark: How did you piss off all the women?
Owen: Ah, lets get this guy an angio
Meredith: Angio? He's barely got a pulse.
Owen: It's now or never if we want him to live. Alright, lets move. Sir, i know it's really touch, but I'd personally be really grateful if you'd try and stay alive for the next few minutes.

Arizona: Oh, I have wine. White and Red, and I have cigarettes. Which is awful I know, but I only smoke on very rare, very occasionally. And, only when I know I'm gonna be in trouble. Like now.
Callie: It was inappropriate. Not to mention manipulative and stupid. You smoke?
Arizona: I know. Listen, I know you have every right to be mad at me but I ran out of options. So...
Callie: It's an expensive test, there was no indication to do it, there was a reason Webber turned you down.
Arizona: So you didn't do it?
Callie: Of course I did it Arizona.
Arizona: Thank you!

IZZIE: "George, can I come in? I made you some cookies and brownies and muffins, of course. I always make muffins."
CALLIE: [runs out the door] "Thank God you're here. I can't take it anymore. Three times already tonight, and he's getting ready for a fourth."
IZZIE: "What are you talking about? Oh. Oh, ew."

Getting out of bed and not wearing sweats all day is a sign of moving on. Sleeping with the nurses? Not so much.

Callie: Look, I don't know what happened between Denny Duquette and Izzie Stevens that night, but unless you were in the middle of that situation, I don't see how you can make a judgment.
Erica: Easy. There's right, and there's wrong. And this, was wrong. And illegal. There is no gray area here. You can't kind of think this is OK. You can't kind of side with Izzie Stevens. And you can't be kind of a lesbian.
Callie: Yes, I can.

Arizona: Hey, I thought you were in surgery?
Callie: I'm on my way.
Arizona: Have you talked to Bailey about this peade's and tucker thing?
Callie: No, I've only talked to Bailey about the army thing and George.
Arizona: Are you upset with me?
Callie: Hah, no I'm awesome.
Arizona: Calliope.
Callie: No, do not. Do not Calliope me. Ok, you said it was awesome. George. Sweet, kind George, who can't even kill a fly is joining the army to go to Iraq in the middle of a war and you said awesome.
Arizona: It is, awesome.
Callie: No, it is not awesome. God, who are you?

Callie: Just so you know, I wasn't looking for a relationship. With a he or a she. It just happened. And ah, it feels good with her. It feels easy and ah, comfortable. I'm saying I'm happy. When have you heard me willingly admit that?
Mr Torres: When you lived at home with your mother and me. You were happy then.
Callie: Yeah, well, I was 12. It didn't take much.
Mr Torres: You'll fly home with me today. I'll talk to the Chief, explain the circumstances.
Callie: What? No! No, Dad, No! I'm not moving back home!
Mr Torres: Don't worry everything's gonna be ok.
Callie: Everything is... is ok!

MR. O'MALLEY: "You're so angry. You've been picking fights every chance you get and that's not like you."
GEORGE: "Dad. You don't know what's been going on."
MR. O'MALLEY: "Okay then tell me. Why are you so mad at Dr. Torres?"
CALLIE: "I should go. I have patients to see."
GEORGE: "No, you know what, I'm going to go."

Callie: Stop. You have to stop.
Mark: I can't.
Callie: Seriously. She hates it.
Mark: That's why I can't.

CALLIE: "Okay, I'm not trying to... take the clinic. Bailey's clinic, by the way. I'm offering to help."
SYDNEY: "Your offer to help is duly noted and very much appreciated, but I promise you, got it all under control. So, Jason Kay?"
CALLIE: "Fine! I'll leave you to it and find myself a recently traumatized emergency surgery to scrub in on, while you stay down here with your sore throat and your sprain and oh... what was it, what was it?"
SYDNEY: "Tummyache."
CALLIE: "Ooh."

GEORGE: "Callie?"
CALLIE: [to Izzie] "Thank you, goodbye!"
IZZIE: "No! Callie!"
GEORGE: "[comes out of room naked] "What is taking you so- Oh!"
IZZIE: "Um... she had to go. Are you hungry?"

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
