Looks like the killer needed a helping hand.

Renard: Which hand did the fingerprint come from?
Hank: The one he doesn't have.

These guys, they carry grudges to the grave. And usually it's your grave.


Renard: No matter how you look at it, it's cannibalism.
Wu: Uh, I think it's called capitalism.

Literally sucking a victim dry?

If you seek peace prepare for war.

Because she ties him here to Portland, to me, and if she dies he could quit the force, he could leave, and I have put too much time and effort into him to allow that to happen.

Renard: So, you've seen my brother Eric?
Adalind: All of him.
Renard: Not much of an achievement really.

(Monroe and Renard both woge)
Renard: You okay?
Hank: I wish I could do that.

And this little piggy went to jail.

Renard: Let me ask you something Nick: what’s really bothering you, the fact that you killed somebody or the fact that you killed somebody that wasn’t Wesen? Because God knows you killed plenty of them. That’s what you Grimms do, isn’t it?

Renard: Rats dine on beloved teacher.
Nick: That's a little cold.
Hank: Guess who came to dinner.

Grimm Quotes

Come on let's have a brew. And, by the way, you're paying for that window.


Why can't you look at her ass like the rest of us?
