In order to sue somebody you'd have to know how.

Cary: What are you doing for lunch today?
Lucca: Eating.

  • Permalink: Eating.
  • Rating: Unrated

Cary: This was the lesser of two evils.
David Lee: What's the other one?
Cary: Having a pantless octogenarian scaring away clients.

Jason: Does Peter Florrick have reason to be concerned about you?
Cary: Me?
Jason: Your testimony?
Cary: Only if he has reason to be concerned about the truth.

I was here to tell the truth. What are you here to do?

Dad. No. No. A few years ago I'd jump at the chance to impress you, but no longer.

Cary: Now what?
Alicia: I have no idea.

Alicia: Thanks for doing this here.
Cary: No problem. What are you thinking?
Alicia: I'm in.
Cary: With Agos/Florrick?
Alicia: Florrik/Agos.

Alicia: It's kind of weird. Everything's ending.
Cary: Beginning, too.

Cary: Are you having seconds thoughts?
Alicia: I don't know. I like watching Will and Diane. They care.
Cary: Alicia - you and I are the new Will and Diane!

Cary: Alicia, staying is a mistake. You'll always be under Will.You finally have a chance to get out from under him.
Alicia: Managing Partner is not under him.
Cary: It is. Why do you think he's offering it to you? He wants someone that he can influence, someone that he knows.
Alicia: OK. Thanks Cary.
Cary: Alicia, this is your chance. Take it.

Alicia: We need to leave this week.
Cary: Are you sure?
Alicia: Yes.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
