Cat: Is that what happened with mom? Things got too difficult. So much for your big speech about sacrifices.
Bob: I never said love was unconditional. At some point, enough is enough.

Cat: Vincent I was just posing a questions.
Vincent: Well I'm not, and if you don't walk away, I will.

Cat: I know he is a terrible man and he has only done terrible things to you. But he is not a beast. He is a human being and you can't just kill somebody in cold blood. You can't cross that line again, otherwise...
Vincent: Otherwise what?
Cat: Otherwise you lose your humanity.

Vincent, trust me. My father is going to jail. One way or the other.

You can choose to walk away and save yourself. Save us. Please don't
make everything that we've been through, everything that we've meant to each other, be for nothing. Don't do this.

Cat: Look, Vincent, I told you I couldn't be the only one fighting for us, and I meant that. I didn't want it to end this way, but it looks like it has.
Vincent: Looks like it. At least you don’t have to cover for me anymore.

Cat: I just realized, you uh, didn't call in the cavalry when my wire went dead. You trusted me.
Gabe: You asked me to.

Cat: Um. OK. Did I miss my window? I mean, recently you put it out there that you feel like there's more between us but...
Gabe: I have and there is. It's just, you seem like you're...
Cat: What? Is this because I brought in that paper? I'm not jealous. I am over Vincent. I can't believe I was ever with somebody like that. I mean last week he chose a necklace over a human life. He's unrecognizable.
Gabe: I was gonna say it seems like you have some unresolved anger.

Tess: Oh woah wait. Did you guys have like a relationship conversation?
Cat: Yes.
Gabe: Can we not do this right now?

Vincent: You knocked out a beast. How did you do that?
Cat: I don't know.

That's fine. You save J.T.; we'll save you.

Cat: Except for the low rise jeans and the crop tops.
Gabe: Oh come on. I'm sure you look great in them.

Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Vargas:This is where he lives? A chemical plant?
Cat: He's a researcher, maybe he works from home?
Vargas: Or maybe it's a meth lab.
Cat: Just my type.

Everyone told me it was just a coyote or a bear. This thing I thought I had seen was just a result of my concussion or post traumatic stress. No, the men who killed my mother were beasts. I believed them. Until now.
