High Sparrow: If your grace has given honest testimony, your trial will prove your innocence.
Cersei: Trial? I have confessed.
High Sparrow: To a single sin. Others you have denied. Your trial will separate the truth from the falsehoods.
Cersei: I bow to the wisdom of your high holiness. And if I might beg for just one drop of the Mother's mercy. I haven't seen my son. I don't know how long its been. I need to see him, please.
High Sparrow: You have taken the first step on the path back to righteousness. In light of this, I will permit you to return to The Red Keep.
Cersei: Thank you. Thank you.
High Sparrow: Mother is merciful. It is her you should thank.

Queen Margaery: I know you did this.
Cersei: We are making every effort on your behalf, I swear to you by all the seven Gods.
Queen Margaery: Lies come easily to you, everyone knows that. But innocence, decency, concern; you're not very good at those I'm afraid.

Lady Olenna: You there, where would I find the High Septon or High Sparrow or whatever bloody fool name he's got?
High Sparrow: It's not a good a name as Queen of Thorns I'll admit.
Lady Olenna: You should have the decency to stand when you speak to a lady.
High Sparrow: You should have the decency to kneel before the Gods.
Lady Olenna: Don't spar with me little fellow.

The High Septon has called for an inquest, not a trial. Just a small hearing to determine whether the charges against Loras have merit. Which I'm sure they don't. Loras will be freed, our happy alliance will continue. And we'll forget this unfortunate conversation ever happened.

Cersei: There are only two like it in the world. The one I'm wearing and the one I gave to Myrcella.
Jaime: It's a threat.
Cersei: Of course it's a threat. Our daughter's alone in Dorne surrounded by people who hate our family. It's a threat.

Cersei: The man who murdered our father, he tore us apart. He's the enemy. I've been telling you for years, you've been defending him for years.
Jaime: This is exactly what they want.
Cersei: And now our father is dead, and that little monster is out there somewhere drawing breath. Did you set him free? Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake, a stupidity.

I don't choose Tywin Lannister. I don't love Tywin Lannister. I love my brother. I love my lover.

What good is power if you cannot protect the ones you love?

He could be the first man who sits on that throne in fifty years to actually deserve it.

Cersei: You never love anything in the world the way you love your first child. It doesn't matter what they do. And what he did, it shocked me. Do you think I'm easily shocked?
Margaery: No.
Cersei: The things he did, shocked me.

Cersei: You still mourn for Joffrey?
Margaery: He was my husband, my king.
Cersei: He would have been your nightmare.

Please Jaime you have to. He was our son, our baby boy.

Game of Thrones Quotes

Tis a big and beautiful world. Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any of it. I don't want to be most of us.


I’m going to kill the queen.
