Look, sis, for people like us a college degree is just an accessory. Like a Malawi baby or a poodle.

Serena: I'm sorry, I'm not laughing. It's just so obvious. You're not over Blair. This is your body's way of telling you!
Chuck: I don't have a romantic bone in my body. Least of all that one. But you do raise an interesting idea. Clearly there's some kind of ... blockage.
[pauses] Perhaps ...
Serena: No!
Chuck: One more go-around, just to clear the pipes.
Serena: You are not using Blair as sexual Drano!

I'm honored to be playing even a small role in your deflowering.

Chuck: If your people don't come up with anything, maybe we can try #26.
Lily: (reading) Crash Jack in plane. The Bass jet is kind of expensive, Charles.
Chuck: There's insurance.

Dan: I've come to the conclusion that I need to get out of my comfort zone. To experience some new things.
Chuck: Are you gay?

Chuck: Yale, the only thing she wanted more than me. That would be painful.
Serena: Chuck, she's embarrassed, so we've gotta give her time to lick her wounds.
Chuck: Maybe I could lick them for her.

Nate: I know you're there, I can hear you breathing on the other side of the door.
Chuck: [opens door] Nathaniel!
Nate: Where's the girl?
Chuck: In my dreams. I was trying to get some shut eye. What's on your mind?
Nate: Just my mom.
Chuck: Sounds Freudian.

Chuck: You're a good friend.
Nate: One of us has to be.

Chuck: You guys have been dating since kindergarten and you haven't sealed the deal.
Nate: Who says 'seal the deal?'

Chuck: Morning, Beautiful.
Blair: NYU is hell!
Chuck: What do you expect from a place where men wear sandals?

Blair: I have a surprise for you!
Chuck: In that case why are you still dressed?

Chuck: (sees Blair coming out of church) Well, this is the last place I'd expect to find you.
Blair: Go away, Chuck! I've been given orders, practically from God himself, to avoid you.
Chuck: Would you consider avoiding me over breakfast?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.