Mr. Bennet: You're lucky you're alive.
Claire Bennet: It's not luck, dad.
Claire Bennet: Dad, there's something I need to tell you.

Claire Bennet: You're being so nice. I've never been this nice to you. I mean, I've been nice but I could be nicer.
Zach: Then why don't you?

Claire Bennet: Hey, what's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? Saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Maybe being different isn't the end of the World, it's just who I am.

Claire Bennet: Ooh, sorry!
Peter Petrelli: Sorry.
Claire Bennet: That was my fault. I wasn't looking where I was going.
Peter Petrelli: Hey, do you... know this girl, Jackie Wilcox?
Claire Bennet: Uh, yeah, half-time show starts in about five minutes. She'll be out on the field. She's a cheerleader. Are you a reporter or something?
Peter Petrelli: Alumni. I'm just curious.
Claire Bennet: You know, between you and me, she's not that special. Just your average teenage girl.
Peter Petrelli: She rushed into a fire and saved a man's life, sounds kinda special to me.
Claire Bennet: Yeah, you're right. I'm jealous. She's our town hero. Me? I don't win too many popularity contests.
Peter Petrelli: Hey, it gets better!
Claire Bennet: What?
Peter Petrelli: Life after high school. It gets a lot better.

Mr. Bennet: Claire!
Claire Bennet: Dad. Dad.
Mr. Bennet: It's okay. You're okay.
Claire Bennet: Dad, it was terrible, Jackie, she...
Mr. Bennet: I know, I know.
Claire Bennet: We have to go back. We... we have to go back, Peter...
Mr. Bennet: No, no, no.
Claire Bennet: He saved my life!
Mr. Bennet: No, no, no, he'll be fine.
Claire Bennet: But we can't leave him. We can't leave him. He almost died, but then he... He... We have to go back! We have to go back!
Mr. Bennet: The police'll take care of everything.

Claire Bennet: You... How did you...
Peter Petrelli: Where is he?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. He ran away before I got here.
Peter Petrelli: Police. Go get some help, okay?
Claire Bennet: Okay. I'll be back... Hey. What's your name?
Peter Petrelli: Peter.
Claire Bennet: I'm Claire.
Peter Petrelli: Are you the one? By saving you, did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know. I'm just a cheerleader.

Peter Petrelli: Did I save the world?
Claire Bennet: I don't know... I'm just a cheerleader.

Lyle Bennett: [about Claire's tape] I'm going to post this on YouTube and make like a million bucks!
Zach: YouTube's free, you idiot!
Claire Bennet: Zach, you're not helping!

Zach: So that's it? You're going to go just pump your pom-poms and pretend you're not any different than any other girl on the squad?
Claire Bennet: Yes, actually.
Zach: But you are, Claire! You are different. Don't you see that none of this matters? School spirit doesn't matter. Being a pretty blonde cheerleader doesn't matter. It's not who you are anymore.
Claire Bennet: Who I am? So what, I can crawl through a woodchipper and live to tell about it. That narrows my choices in life to freak or guinea pig, in most cases both. What's wrong with wanting to be normal? You should try it.

Mr. Bennett: So is that the quarterback?
Claire Bennet: Who?
Mr. Bennett: The boy that you like right over there.
Claire Bennet: I don't "like" him. I mean he's a very nice boy, but...
Claire Bennet: yes, he's the quarterback.
Mr. Bennett: You really wanted to make me happy, you'd only date nerds. Well it worked out very well for your mother.

Mr. Bennet: Clairebear! How was school?
Claire Bennet: Very school-like. How was work?
Mr. Bennet: Very work-like.

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys