Well, we don't say goodbye, Pamela. We say see you again. See you again.

Claudia Joy: Michael, is that offer for DC still open?
Michael: You bet.
Claudia Joy: Great. I think you're right. I do need a break from Ft. Marshall.

You'll always be the same Roxy underneath. Nothing can change that, thank God.

Denise: What the hell Claudia Joy?
Claudia Joy: What? I thought you wanted my opinion?
Denise: Yes, but Jackie was very clear about a few things.
Claudia Joy: Then why do you need me?
Denise: I'm beginning to wonder.

Roxy: Really, kidney failure?
Claudia Joy: It's not as bad as it sounds.
Roxy: Kidney failure?

Claudia Joy: Thank God we have each other.
Denise: Claudia Joy, we're a match.
Claudia Joy: Yes we are.
Denise, No, no. What I mean is that we are a medical match. When you were diagnosed, I got tested to see if I could give you one of my kidneys. I just got word this week. I can.

Denise is giving me my life back.

Claudia Joy: Audrey is looking for payback.
Michael: What?
Claudia Joy: She dropped a pretty broad hint about you giving Bryce some sort of advisory position.

Claudia Joy: You need to know what I want if something goes wrong.
Michael: Nothing's going to go wrong.
Claudia Joy: Honey, I've been doing this for you ever time you deploy for the last 23 years. You can do this for me this once.

Claudia Joy: Michael?
Michael: We almost lost you.

Michael: So, what do you think?
Claudia Joy: I think you're incredible!
Denise: Both of you.
Frank: Yes we are!

Jackie: Well I enjoy it. Sometimes I think of it as my yoga. Ya know, it's all about breathing, control, being in touch with your body.
Claudia Joy: Really? My yoga is...yoga.

Army Wives Quotes

Give me everything you've got, baby doll, or you're gonna be looking at me from the floor.


Michael Holden: Claudia Joy Holden, after 17 years of marriage my heart still skips a beat every time I look at you.
Claudia Joy Holden: Michael James Holden, after 17 years of marriage I can't believe that tired old line of yours still works.

Army Wives Music

  Song Artist
Tangled Up Gareth Dunlop iTunes
Song Pulling on a Line The Great Lake Swimmers iTunes
Bright Morning Stars Abigail Washburn iTunes