Dan: Last time we spoke you'd made it through all the Ts.
Nate: Let's just say V is for Vivid and leave it at that.

Dan: I'm so sorry about not calling, but there is a reason.
Vanessa: Is it because you've become a hoarder?

Vanessa: Stop. Talking.
Dan: You know I'm not good at that.

Dan: I'm truly glad that you've gotten your priorities straightened out here, but there is no way that I'm letting you take this child.
Georgina: I'm sorry Dan, but it's not your choice. He's not your son.

Dan: But this is all just a cover because you're really a Russian spy like those women in Westchester.
Georgina: No, I mean not that I wasn't approached, because I was.

Trying to get me to talk about it like it was this crushing blow, but I just got my life back. I want to enjoy it now, you know?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.