Jenny: Well I guess it's better to be ignored than tortured, right?
Dan: Always look on the bright side.

Dan: I can't believe Nate Archibald is a gigolo.
Vanessa: You can't tell anyone!
Dan: Who? Who would I tell? Except everyone I've ever met. [pauses] I won't.

Dan: Why'd you tell him to stay with that woman? Y'know, I thought you liked him.
Vanessa: I do. That's why I did it.
Dan: I don't understand.
Vanessa: She told me that if Nate left her, she would go to the FBI and tell them where Nate's dad is hanging out. So ... I really didn't have a choice.

Serena: What do you want, Dan? For me to never say my name?
Dan: That's not what I said.
Serena: We thought we could avoid talking about last year, well? This is fate telling us we can't.

Serena: I forgive you... for Georgina.
Dan: And I forgive you ...
Serena: We keep having this same fight. At Bart's brunch, a year ago. At the wedding...
Dan: Where we talked about the fight at Bart's brunch.
Serena: And now here. [pauses] I can't change who I am, Dan.
Dan: Me neither.

Serena: [laughing awkwardly] What ... was that?
Dan: That was Gossip Girl.

Jenny: Ahhhh! Dan! You guys are together! You're back together! It wasn't a doctored photo?
Dan: No, we are. We just haven't... told anybody yet.

Dan: Serena... I still ...
Serena: I know. Me too.
[elevator door closes]
Serena: ... I love you.

Serena: I'm scared.
Dan: Me too.
Serena: When I step out of here, it's over.
Dan: I think... I think it was already. It just took us this long to realize, and get used to it.

There's a force larger than us at work here.

Jenny: What about you, Dad? You were the one on the great American road trip? Any good stories?
Rufus: Oh, well, there's no place like home.
Dan: That's profound.

Serena: [makes move on Dan] What do you say we ... just forget thinking and... follow our hearts.
Dan: You sure that's your heart you're following?

Gossip Girl Quotes

Even Blair Waldorf can not bend DNA to her will.


Hazel: Do you know what you're doing, Little J?
Jenny: I'm not Little J anymore.