Del: Do the hinges on my barn look rusty? Be honest.
Rita: Is that a euphemism?

Just so we’re clear. One moonlight swim doesn’t mean I want to be one of your girls.

Del: It’s not Jacob. Oh God. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up!
Alice: Were you hoping the police were right?
Del: I just want an answer to take away the memories. Oh, Alice. There have been so many calls. They torment me. There was one call; it was horrible, and I reacted terribly. I said, I said such horrible things to Kat. If I could go back, I would take back all those words.

Colton: What's going on, Dellie?
Del: I'm feeling like an imposter again. How can I call myself a Landry when my Landry is gone? And his land might be, too. I feel like I'm letting you down. You would not be proud of me.
Colton: I am proud of you every day. Look at you, what you've done. You've rebuilt our family. You did that. You brought out daughter home and our incredible granddaughter.
Del: She is amazing, isn't she?
Colton: Yes, she is. She reminds me of you. You have everything to be proud of and so much more.

Alice: Grandma, you don’t have to pretend that everything’s OK for me. OK? I’m old enough to know the truth.
Del: What are you talkin’ about? You’ve been acting strange all morning.
Alice: Because we’re about to lose the farm! [heads turn from every direction]
Rita: Wait. What?