Diane: This is my firm!
Will: It was your firm.
Diane: Then get the security guards. Carry me out.
Will: No. We have enough respect for you not to make this a public spectacle.

Diane: I want what I'm worth. You want me not to bad talk you to my clients, rethink your offer. Now get out of my office.
David: This isn't your office.
Diane: It is. Until you have the security guards escort me out.

Will: What?
Diane: Alicia is leaving the firm with Cary and she's taking our top clients.

Will, I know this is hard. Document everything!

Diane: Do you know what offends me most? That fact that I stood up for you. I got you hired.
Cary: That's what offends you the most? Really? Not the fact that every fourth year was promised a partnership?

Diane: What would you say if I stayed?
Will: Peter screwed you over.

Diane: You know sometimes I look at you and I wonder if you've changed or if you were always this way.
Alicia: I had some of the best teachers in the world. I couldn't help but change.

Diane: Will, just because someone is wrong for us doesn't make him right.
Will: Let's see him. What can it hurt?

Well then welcome to your decision because that's what happens when one person decides.

There is no political reason to dump this candidate and I will not pretend it is just to make things emotionally easy for you.


Diane: He doesn't look like himself.
Kalinda: I have to get Alicia.

Diane: (To Will's client) If I were dead, it's exactly what Will would do. (Turns to David Lee) That felt good.
David: Turned me on.

Good Wife Quotes

Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.
