I've always wanted to say I've taken a bullet for someone and now I can. Yay.

Oliver: Are you alright? Diggle had mentioned that maybe you were feeling a little left out.
Felicity: What? No. I just used to being your girl. I mean, not your girl, girl. Your girl. I know it sounds like the same word, but it means something different in my head.
Oliver: Hey. You will always be my girl, Felicity.

Felicity: You can't go out there by yourself. It's suicide.
Oliver: This started with the two of us. That's how it ends.

Sara: What do you guys think?
Felicity: Oh I think if the Huntress shows up you should totally kick her ass.

Well, I told a guy the truth and he got struck by lightening. To be fair, it probably won't happen again. Statistically.

I don't think my eye holes line up properly. Is anyone else having this problem?

For the record, I hated her before we found out she was a super villain.

Oliver: She reminds me so much of me when I first came home, when it seemed so hard to believe in anything even resembling hope.
Felicity: But you did, you did. Eventually. Sara will, too.

I don't even know why I'm crying. I didn't even like Moira. Terrible thing to say about someone after they just died. In my defense, she was not nice. She was diabolical. Not a word you often hear at someone's funeral.

Ravager: Do you want to save me some time and energy and tell me where I can find Felicity Smoak? I have been aching to put a bullet in her smug little face ever since the day...
Felicity: Oh. I really thought the air bags were gonna go off.

Felicity: You honor the dead by fighting. And you are not done fighting! Malcolm Merlyn, The Count, The Clock King, The Triad, everyone who has tried to hurt this city -- you stopped them. And you will stop Slade.
Oliver: I don't know how.
Felicity: Neither do I, but I do know two things: You are not alone and I believe in you.

Do you have any happy stories?

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
