It was just one of those rare moments. A crossroads where you know, you just know, if you don't act now, if you let this moment slip away, it will haunt you for the rest of your life.

Fitz: Does it ever bother you? All the lies? All the pretending? And that's not an accusation, cause I do it too and do it well. It's just a question. Because it's gotten so easy. I don't know anymore.
Mellie: Pretending is what's real.
Fitz: What?
Mellie: Every married couple alive pretends. They pretend they don't hate their in-laws or their husband's stupid jokes or their wife's laugh or that they don't actually love one of their children more than the others. Marriage is, well, it's almost all pretend. For everyone. That's the reality. That's what's real. Buying into the delusion that there's any other way to live together, to get through an entire life together, that's, well that's the fantasy. That's pretending.

[to Mellie] Did I do this to you? Or have you always been like this? Because if it was me, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Cyrus: Why are you calling, Mr. President.
Fitz: I killed Verna Thornton.

Fitz: Would she forgive me if she knew?
Cyrus: There are things we don't tell them. Things we bury. Things we hide. That's the job. You did something, sir. It doesn't mean you don't deserve to be happy.

[to Olivia] Hi.

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Olivia: I hate you.
Fitz: I know.

Cyrus: You know what happens if a bored nurse or arrogant doctor tweets that the President, same one who was shot in the head 10 months ago, is in the hospital in the middle of the night? Markets panic. Reporters swarm. Defcon levels change.
Fitz: Cats and dogs will finally get along?

Olivia: You can go.
Fitz: You don't dismiss me.
Olivia: I don't want to talk to you. I am never going to be ready to talk to you.

Fitz: I love you.
Olivia: Stop saying that. You are having me watched. Followed. There are cameras in my apartment. That's not love.

[to Olivia] I am angry that you fixed the election, I'm even angrier that you thought you were fixing me.

Fitz: But you do love him.
Cyrus: Of course.
Fitz: Don't give up on him. If you love him. Just don't give up.