[to Olivia] You can't fix the fact that I love you. That I love you more than I love being President. I have told you that I'd give it all up for you again and again, and you know what I think? i think you don't believe me. I think you believe that I will never choose you. Well, this time, I'm fixing things.

Olivia: Your time as President will be over and you're worried about getting your mistress back?
Fitz: How many times do I need to tell you that you're more than that? Come back to me. Forgive me. I love you.

[to Cyrus] When a child has a tantrum you don't indulge them. You ignore them. You call their bluff.

[to Olivia] This past year, I have learned only one thing. That I cannot exist without you. That I cannot breathe without you. That the man I am without you is--I'm nothing. I'm nothing. And you are everything. And I need you to give me another chance. I demand another chance. We're worth another chance.

Fitz: Do you still love me?
Olivia: Does it matter?
Fitz: It matters. Do you still love me? It's a yes or no question. Olivia?
Olivia: I do. But I can't do this anymore.

[to Olivia] I am angry that you fixed the election, I'm even angrier that you thought you were fixing me.

Fitz: I love you.
Olivia: Stop saying that. You are having me watched. Followed. There are cameras in my apartment. That's not love.

Olivia: You can go.
Fitz: You don't dismiss me.
Olivia: I don't want to talk to you. I am never going to be ready to talk to you.

Cyrus: You know what happens if a bored nurse or arrogant doctor tweets that the President, same one who was shot in the head 10 months ago, is in the hospital in the middle of the night? Markets panic. Reporters swarm. Defcon levels change.
Fitz: Cats and dogs will finally get along?

Olivia: I hate you.
Fitz: I know.

[to Olivia] Hi.

  • Permalink: Hi.
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Fitz: Would she forgive me if she knew?
Cyrus: There are things we don't tell them. Things we bury. Things we hide. That's the job. You did something, sir. It doesn't mean you don't deserve to be happy.