Archbishop: I'll tell you what, you get Officer Macklan's health claim put through and also see that he gets promoted to Detective First Grade so that his family can receive the pay and benefits that go along with it, then we can revisit this conversation.
Frank: You're doubling down.
Archbishop: I’m defending the flock. May God bless you and keep you safe.

Garrett: The mayor wants you to handle the announcement solo.
Sid: Poole never missed a victory lap in his life.
Garrett: Until now.
Frank: It's about me taking the weight for six dead bodies.
Sid: But we caught the guy.
Frank: Yeah, but it comes soaked in blood and the mayor wants to keep his shoes clean.

Calls have been made. Things are motion. Those responsible will pay for what they did, and you know better than to ask particulars.

Frank: Mr. Mayor, I think you have lost confidence in my command and I am prepared to step down.
Mayor Poole: Frank, this morning I paid a condolence call to the family of Fleming's last victims. Visits like that are the worst part of my job, yours too. I've done more than I can count, you probably ten times more than that.
Frank: I find no use in looking at that score board.
Mayor Poole: But it should offer some measure of comfort, Frank, and of hope.
Frank: That's all you can do.
Mayor Poole: Oh, but I didn't have it, Frank. I just couldn't find the words.
Frank: Sometimes there aren't any.
Mayor Poole: We should offer some hope. Hell, I won two terms on that message, but I didn't have it.
Frank: It was a tough week.
Mayor Poole: And this guy, this Evan Fleming. How many more of those are just walking around out there, waiting?
Frank: I don't know.
Mayor Poole: You can't know. I know. Or now I know.
Frank: Change the subject or you'll lose your mind.
Mayor Poole: You know I gave 28 years and the use of both my legs to this city. Loved nearly every single minute of it.
Frank: Oh, come on, Carter. You got a bar in here? Let's have drink.
Mayor Poole: Monday morning I'm submitting my resignation to the City Council and I wanted you to be the first to know. All I ask is that you respect my decision. Please.

Frank: Is there anything I can say?
Mayor Poole: You can give me your word that you'll be just as hard on my successor as you were on me.
Frank: You have my word.

Abigail, I'm tired. The kind of tired you can't sleep off.

Frank: I'm on my third mayor here, Pop. I think I'm used up.
Henry: I don't think we need two of us sitting here worrying about Danny.

Frank: Of all my kids, I think he's the most like me.
Henry: When we lost Mary you checked out completely.
Frank: I was stuck in quick sand.
Henry: I remember.
Frank: You know what got me out?
Henry: Work? Purpose?
Frank: My kids became my purpose.

Mayor Dutton: She was clearly under the influence.
Frank: To put it mildly.
Mayor Dutton: Well, how would you put it?
Frank: Officer Olivet was trying to reason with someone who had snorted enough jet fuel to win the ninth race at Belmont.

There's something you should know about police officers… They know what people are capable of in ways that most thankfully do not. They have seen first hand the cigarette burns on an infant's back or the black eyes and the sideways jaw on an 80 year old rape victim, and they assume the worst. And they take that on so that good people can go on about their lives and think generously about their fellow man. They provide that luxury.

Someone said, we are all just passing time and occupy our chair very briefly. The time we had with Linda was a gift. and we are all the better that she occupied her chair so well.

When Mary died, when I lost my wife, I was a mess and it was my kids, Joe, Erin, Jamie, and Danny who, even though they had lost their mom, always made sure, each in their own way, to be there for me. I'm not sure what a shrink would say about that, but it was appreciated.