Danny's going to put on a tough exterior but look out for him will you?

I may not be a cop anymore but I still have friends in low places.

Why is it Angelo, when you say trust me I always want to check my wallet?

If there was a boundary you went at it like an armored division.

Your mom and I had you out numbered and you still won most of the time.

Garrett: In and out of a charity dinner in 36 minutes?
Frank: Personal best.

Do you know how much I hate it when you quote me back to me?

Erin: Well, I'll deny it to my death, but Danny is the best.
Frank: Yeah, it's annoying, isn't it?
Erin: Beyond.

Favorite part of my day. Dinner with my old man.

Frank: Does the end justify the means?
Jamie: The original slippery slope.

Our job is to provide protection, we don't get to pick who for.

The man could politicize a rainy day.