GEORGE: "Why is he suturing his own face?"
CRISTINA: "To turn me on..."
ALEX: "Because he's Mark Sloan. The guy is like the go-to plastic surgeon on the east coast."
GEORGE: "That’s the guy Addison was sleeping with."
IZZIE: "Can you really blame her?"
CRISTINA: "No, not really."
GEORGE: "Yes, you can."
MEREDITH: "Well McSexy wants an X-ray to check for fractures and I think it’s a bad idea if I go with him."
GEORGE: "Why?"
ALEX: "I'm on it."
GEORGE: "Why is that a bad idea?"
MEREDITH: "That's not right."
IZZIE: "McYummy?"
CRISTINA: "Mmm... no."
MEREDITH: "McSteamy."
CRISTINA: "There it is!"
IZZIE: "Yup."
GEORGE: "Allow me to choke back some McVomit."

Well, Dr. Bailey did save your life today. A black woman saved your life, at a great personal cost. So maybe next time you're looking at your tattoo and you're thinking how much better all these white guys are better than everyone else. You might wanna think about that. Cause between you and me, if I had been alone in that O.R., you would probably be dead right now. And since we are sharing belief systems, I believe that if you were dead, the world would be a better place.

GEORGE: "Okay, I'll be Cristina for you, if you'll be Izzie for me."
MEREDITH: "Deal. Derek had a woman in his trailer last night. She was ugly, very ugly, except she was tall and beautiful. And he was naked.
GEORGE: "Oh. McDreamy was doing the McNasty with McHottie? That McBastard. Uh, how was that?
MEREDITH: "That was good."
GEORGE: "Really?"
GEORGE: "Excellent."
MEREDITH: "Okay. Chanelling Izzie. Go."
GEORGE: "Okay. Um, Callie... she won't forgive me. Uh, she won't talk to me. She dumped me. Which is, uh, I don't care about, you know, at all..."
MEREDITH: "Good, because you deserve better. You do. I mean... You. Are. George. I mean seriously. Seriously. Seriously! Was that Izzie optimistic?
GEORGE: [pauses] "Yes, it's very Izzie."

[to Meredith] "I know you've been going through a bad time. I know you miss Shepherd and that your life has been pretty unpleasant these days. You get points for breathing in and out. You get to be a little selfish. But you don't get to choose a dog over me. You don't. My name is George. I sleep down the hall from you. I buy you tampons. I hold your hand. Every time you ask. I've earned the right to be seen. To be respected. So, I'm not moving out. Whether you like it or not, I'm staying."

MEREDITH: "Now all my boys are here! You’re all so handsome, and such good kissers."
GEORGE: "Oh. God."
FINN: "Excuse me?"
GEORGE: "She’s on drugs."
MEREDITH: "He's an excellent kisser!"
FINN: "You two... dated?"
DEREK: "You didn't know?"
MEREDITH: "It wasn't a date so much as a... disastrously uncomfortable sexual experience."

[narrating] "Karma. One way or another it will leave us to face ourselves. We can look our karma in the eye or we can wait for it to sneak up from behind. But karma will always find us. The truth is, as surgeons, we have more chances than most to set the balance in our favor. Yet no matter how hard we try we can't escape our karma. It follows us home. I guess we can't really complain about our karma. It's not an affair. It's not unexpected. It just... evens the score. And even when we're about to do something that we know will tempt karma to bite us in the ass... well, it goes without saying. We do it anyway."

IZZIE: "You've got sunscreen and insect repellant? And, oh, you're gonna need a shovel to bury your poop."
GEORGE: "Izzie, I'm not five. Will you zip me up?"

MEREDITH: "You're sleeping with someone?"
GEORGE: "What? You are? Who?"
CRISTINA: "What? Why is that such a shock? Even George managed to get some action."
GEORGE: "Um, Correction! George got some syph."

[to Bex] "You just have to get through high school. High school sucks for anyone who's the least bit different. But then there's college, and then out in the real world, you'll find where you belong."

"Dr. Bailey. I'm surprised at you. I really thought... this is not how I thought you would do this. I expected more. Because you're Dr. Bailey. You don't hide from a fight. You don't give up. You strive for greatness. You, Dr. Bailey, you are a doer. I know your husband's not here, and I know there are a lot of things going on here that we have no control over. But this? This... we can do this. Okay? Let's have this baby."

DIVORCE LAWYER PATIENT: "Any of you are looking to get out of a bad marriage?"
GEORGE & IZZIE: [smirking] "No."
DEREK: "Yes. No!"

MIRANDA: "I could do this at home with a pair of scissors and a bucket of hot water."
GEORGE: "You know, millions of women die every year from delivering their own babies. I did NOT just say that out loud."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
