George Michael: You know, say what you will about America. Thirteen bucks still gets you a hell of a lot of mice.
Gob: Who said anything bad about America?

I've got this Christian girlfriend now, and she's trying to get me to be a better man and reconnect with my son, and I'm trying to get her to renounce god and **** me and I just want to ... prove to her that I'm worth it.

What? Oh, no! It's the cops! Oh! And a ... Construction worker.

Buster: It's like she gets off by being withholding.
Gob: Look who's got something to say.
Buster: I'm Mom and I want to shoot down everything you say so I can feel good about myself. 'Cause I'm an uptight -- BLEEP -- Buster -- You old horny slut!
Michael: Well, no one's gonna top that.

(After Rita has walked on the water)
Michael: Hang on a sec. That's part of your trick, right?
Gob: No, that's not my trick, Michael.
Narrator: On the next Arrested Development ...
Gob: It's my illusion.

Gob: I will not take this sacred duty lightly. I am going to get you the single healthiest call girl that this town has ever seen.
Michael: This is why I'm calling it a witness and not a best man. All you gotta do is watch.
Gob: I'm not going to spend this kind of money and not watch!

Tobias: No, I can't... I have an audition tomorrow. I'm up for a minor, but meaty role in a feature film: Confidence Man 2.
Gob: Oh yeah? I didn't see the first Confidence Man.
Tobias: No... 'Confidence Man 2' is my character.

Marta: Te quiero.
Gob: English, please.
Marta: I love you.
Gob: Great. Now I'm late.

Gob: Turn this skiff around.
Captain: We haven't even left the dock.
Gob: But "skiff" is appropriate, right?

Gob: Michael, you can save this family. Please, do the right thing here. String this blind girl along so that Dad doesn't have to pay his debt to society.
Barry: The solution to all our problems is staring you right in the face, and it can't even see you.

Gob: Oh, Nagama, you've got a moustache.
Michael: Hey.
Gob: I mean, you've got milk on your moustache. I mean, you've got a milk moustache.

You're a good guy, mon frre. That means "brother" in French. I don't know why I know that. I took four years of Spanish!