Ward: It’s strategic.
Simmons: It’s adorable.
Skye: The Tin Man has a heart after all.

Ward: Really? You think Coulson will take that excuse if he finds out about us?
May: He took it ok when I told him.
Ward: Wait? You told him?
May: Yep.

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Ward: A train that ?
Coulson: Yep, Vanished. Which I might add, is not easy.

Couslon: Not a grenade exactly. It might be some type of cloaking mechanism.
Ward: Maybe it created some kind of portal.
Coulson: Let’s hope not. I can’t deal with Asgard today.

I am not a good man, Syke

Ward: Why should I trust you?
Garrett: You shouldn't. Ever. Especially me.

Long time no see.

Ward: What are you feeling?
Garrett: The universe.

To be honest I was almost relieved when SHIELD put him down. The Garrett I knew was long gone since the writing started. And whatever took his place, I don't think it was meant to survive.

Christian: I don't understand, what do you want out of all this?
Grant: I want the truth about this one event from my past. Admit you made me push Thomas down the well.

Tripp: How the hell did they find us? We were cloaked.
Ward: Raina's tracker. Old frequency S.H.I.E.L.D. used during the cold war. What can I say, I'm a history buff.

Ward: You know, last time I suggested we work together you called me a deluded son of a bitch.
Coulson: Things change. I'm offering you a deal. Help me and I'll let you walk away; free and clear. No more looking over your shoulder.
Ward: When something's too good to be true, it's a lie.
Coulson: Not lying. I tried to stick with you before, didn't work so well. So, I'm offering a carrot.
Ward: I'm listening.
Coulson: Get me inside. After that, I put you through the T.A.H.I.T.I. protocol and then you're free to go.
Ward: Wipe my memories? Wow that sounds like a threat, not a carrot.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.