You should've never given me someone to love. Monsters eat people, Liv. It's what we do.

You don't take down B613. You run, you hide, or you die.

Do you have any idea how many times you've asked me to do things that I didn't want to do but I did them because you asked me to? B613 took away my family, Liv, my life, my name. They destroyed me.

[to Olivia] We do what we have to do.

Harrison: Jake Ballard. Dude could probably kill you with a bendy straw but at the end of the day he's just a normal guy. Put a fork in him.
Huck: Or a needle.

Huck: It wasn't safe.
Quinn: It was safer than bringing along two bickering little bitches. What do you want Huck?

[to Olivia] Hoping is bad for Randy, so do not come back here unless you are back for good.

Quinn: We were never a normal couple. You're always going to be the guy who pulled my teeth out.
Huck: I pulled your teeth out because you couldn't mind your own business. You can never mind your own business, Quinn. And if I had to do it all again to teach you that one valuable lesson, I would.

Quinn: Huck...
Huck: I'll look for you. The next time you go M.I.A. I'll look for you.

Huck: I pinged all of Jake's IP interfaces for the last two days which landed me in a geo-location data stream. Then I ran that through my QR-9 knock off and from there it was easy. He might of been wearing a cowbell.
Olivia: There's not a single word in that sentence I understood except cowbell.

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.

Jake: They warped me too. They added a beast inside me too and he's a really good guy. He's so much fun. You'd like him. But I do not let him out. Ever. Not when I fight. Not when I kill. Not when I hurt. Because he's not allowed out to play. He's not invited. He's behind lock and key. You have to keep your guy in, Huck. You have to lock him in all the time. Otherwise one day he will be strong enough to lock you in and you'll never get out.
Huck: Liv. Liv locks him in. She locks him in for me.
Jake: You gotta learn to do it on your own.