Since when can you not sleep with interns?

Jackson: You might get an invite from me to join the plastics posse.
Ben: You think that sounds cool?
Jackson: I did not at first, but it grows on you.

Jackson: What is the matter?
April: What's the matter is that you keep holding me like this delicate flower that's gonna break every time you look at me. That is what is the matter.

April: She's supposed to be with me... bonding and attaching or whatever. Smelling me like birds and dogs.
Jackson: Birds and dogs?
April: Shut up. It's nature.

April: I’m getting married. I’m saving this guy’s life and face.
Jackson: And it’s all because of me.

Jackson: You two are staying.
April: Okay.
Jackson: Okay.

April: How do you do this?
Jackson: Well, you're kind of doing it. I mean, you dip your toe. You start by dipping your toe into the water, and then eventually you learn to swim.
April: That's easy for you to say, you probably dipped your toe all over town.

God, I don't know if you're out there or not, or if you can even hear people that don't know you're out there, or if you give a crap about what they say, but God, Yahweh, ET, Buddah, whatever... April knows. She knows, right? She believes and she needs you, so show up for her? Please? Show up for April. She loves you. She needs you. Please, show up for her. Please.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
