Henry: And where have you been?
Jo: I was tangled up with Zane, with his thing.... with his pardon.

Jo: How are we going to get out, that opening is only eight inches.
Holly: Oh, me, me.. I can manage eight inches, no problem
Fargo: [gasp]
Holly: I have really limber joints
Fargo: oooh [little whimper]

Zane: Why did I have to make these things so indestructible?
Jo: because you don't do things half-ass, even when you're being a complete ass.

Zoe: Do you love him?
Jo: I don't know.
Zoe: When this is all over.... Find out!

Beverly: Zoe, I don't have time for this.
Zoe: Hey Beverly, bite me!

Shot with my own pulse gun, locked in my own cell! This is so not right.

Henry: Jack be careful, the building maybe unstable.
Carter: Noted, unstable bank, [mumbles] but, what bank is'nt?

Fargo: Why don't I get to choose my own partner, I am the boss.
Lupo: Out here I'm the boss, [drops rope] jump rope Suzy.

Jo: Like a weather forecast for trouble.
Carter: Partly cloudy, with a chance local catastrophe.

Jo: So you ready to try on a pair of PALs now?
Carter: Sure, can I get one lens tuned into ESPN?

Zane: Why don't you relax and see where things go.
Jo: Because, I've done this before, we don't work. We only have a spark
Zane: Sometimes a spark is all you need

You know, he's really quite sweet when he's not trying to destroy you.

Jo [to Holly about Fargo]

Eureka Quotes

Carter: You sure this is not some sort of science-geek-ren-faire thing?
Allison: Well, either we are both having the same delusion or we are really stuck in 1947.

Carter: What does a nanny have that I don't?
Allison: A PhD in early childhood development with an emphasis on organic nutrition.