We have two people seeing the exact same things in completely separate regressions, and they even had the same recognition of the music in the auditory cortex.

Price: In each lifetime Jenny winds up dead.
Kate: You're right. In the regressions Jenny feels like the victim and Brian like the attacker. He follows her, he seeks her out.
Price: Is there such a thing as a soul stalker?

Price: How are you at stopping destiny?
Kate: What?
Price: You were right patterns, only Jenny and Brian they weren't victims they were criminals. Kate, both of them died in police standoffs.

Price: Are you going in that?
Kate: My dress? Why what's wrong with it?
Price: Nothing...

Kate: It's open.
Price: Your not in Texas anymore dufus, you should lock the door.

Price: Kate, we're playing with fire here. Whether we're right or wrong nothing good can come of this.
Kate: Maybe we can help that man.
Price: With what? The past life memories of a girl who spent the last weekend in rehab?

Kate: Look Price, I know you miss your wife. Self medicating and allowing your inner cave man to come out is not the way to deal with your grief.
Price: Maybe I wouldn't need to self medicate if your weren't filling my head with all this crap about Lauren's spirit reaching out for me from the grave.

Kate: The idea of karma is that we have the ability to reset the natural balance. That's what we're going to do.
Corrine: A girls dead, she's not coming back, how do you reset that?

Price: Screw the system, OK. A man's life is at stake here.
Kate: If you know something you have to come forward. There's still time to do the right thing.
Fant: I'm sorry, I took an oath, I have an ethical duty.

The idea of reincarnation is that we've all been here before, and we have memories of past lives.

The clues are there, you just need to know where to look.

Price: I don't know, maybe the kids just depressed, he barely ever talks.
Kate: So what just load him up on meds, and that's going to solve the problem?
Price: Worked for me so far, knock on wood.

Past Life Quotes

Price: I guess sometimes evil is just evil. I'll say this, I would have never believed what just happened it I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.
Kate: The greater the doubt, the greater the awakening.
Price: Wow, that's pretty profound for being up all night.
Kate: It's Einstein; I saw it on a bumper sticker once.

Price: It must be hard being so damn right all the time.
Kate: It is a burden, but I've lived with it.
Price: Just so you know, I still think you're crazy.