Simmons: You'll be careful.
Fitz: I won't be careful, I'll get the job done.
Simmons: Well, watch your back because I just saw Hunter with Bobbi and it made me realize that... It's just that, we never really spoke about what you said to me at the bottom of the ocean.
Fitz: This? Now? You want to talk about this now?
Simmons: No, we don't... it means a lot to me that we're friends again and maybe when you get back we could finally just talk about it.
Fitz: There's nothing to discuss Jemma.
Simmons: Maybe there is.

Fitz: What was in the case Jemma?
Simmons: Something to help Skye.
Fitz: Because you want to change her; is that it?
Simmons: Stop it. I don't want to change Skye, the Diviner did that. I'm just trying to fix her.

Fitz: Things change, that's what I'm saying, so maybe if you can learn to control this then you could have Avengers level powers. Something like Captain America even.
Simmons: I think it best we keep in mind the unstable nature of Skye's power. If there is an Avenger equivalent right now, I'm afraid it's the Hulk.
Fitz: Well, Hulk saved the world last I checked.

Fitz: I won't stay long, I just need to use the microwave. I didn't want to disturb May and her ex.
Simmons: Disturb them from?
Fitz: They're in the kitchen, talking.
Simmons: What are they talking about? Is it about Skye's condition?
Fitz: No it was of a personal nature. Seems that May isn't a good cook.
Simmons: Something Agent May doesn't excel at; interesting.
Fitz: Yeah, he teased her about it. She was laughing.
Simmons: Aw he makes her laugh. Clearly she still likes him and have you seen the way he looks at her?
Fitz: Yeah I have eyes Jemma, of course I've seen.
Simmons: I wonder what happened between them, why end it?
Fitz: They're a bizarre pair. He listens for a living and she doesn't speak.

Skye: The whole room was shaking. Fitz, the gun in my hand exploded.
Fitz: Aw God.
Skye: I thought that I could handle it, but I can't it's too much. I think we need to tell Coulson what's happening.
Fitz: Hang on, wait until I've analyze...
Skye: I can't control it when I get upset or nervous.
Fitz: I'm running that diagnostic on your blood samples right now. Hopefully when it's done we'll have a solution.

Fitz: Well it's not good to keep things to yourself Mack. I know what you're going through.
Mack: Really? You know what it's like to lose control? To be trapped inside your own body unable to tell it what to do? To watch yourself hurt the people that you care about?
Fitz: Yeah.
Mack: I'm sorry buddy.
Fitz: It's okay.

Simmons: What if the city didn't kill Mack but co-opted him, made him a part of it.
Fitz: Like zombie ants.
Simmons: Yeah, maybe it's like the fungus that fear Cordyceps. It possesses and transforms ants into creatures that do its bidding. Maybe the city didn't kill Mack, it's just controlling him. If Mack's alive there's still hope we can save him.

Fitz: He'll recover, he did before. Besides brains never delete files they just lose connections, but there's always a back up. It's just a matter of digging and finding them.
Mack: So you've got back up files too?

Simmons: Fitz this is a good thing. You've got friends now, real friends you don't need me anymore.
Fitz: Yeah but I miss you. I mean, I still miss her.

Fitz: So I don't have an ex, but there was this girl that I like and I told her how I felt. But she doesn't feel the same way as I do, so she left.
Hunter: Her loss then mate. From what I can see she's missing out.

Fitz: Is there anything more?
Coulson: That I'm keeping from you? Yeah I'm Director, there's a hell of a lot more. But there is one other thing you should know. Simmons is on an assignment. That's why she hasn't been in contact. That's why she left.

We have to stick together, keep the people we trust close by.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Quotes

Kasius: Yo-Yo Rodriguez? How peculiar.
Yo-Yo: Says the space mime!

Sousa: Hey, what are you doing up?
Daisy: Why do you care?
Sousa: Because you don't.