I just feel like I'm being used by women at every turn.

They're Leobelles, fans of Annabelle and Leo.

What is it with you and your sister? You get handed exactly what you want and you're still not happy.

Your husband is dead because of me.

Look you're hot and all, but I'm exhausted so hop back on your mommy porn tour bus and get a real life.

Jane: Jim!
Liam: You're alive.

I think it's time to take your harem on the road.

Fantastic! I find the one hot guy in LA who doesn't want fame or money.

Modeling agent

AbMan cometh.

Some guy in a bikini must have walked off with your purse.

I'm sorry we couldn't find your bro-purse.

So basically what you're saying is I just signed my life away?


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


Join The Blaze! We may not be popular, but we've got heart.
