My best friend, Haley, left town recently. And it's.. been hard. You know, until this year, it's... it's always been us against the world. We pretty much grew up together and.. now she's just gone. You know, I.. I understand the leaving part. Trust me, I just wish she woulda called me; before she left. I wish.. I coulda talked to her about it. I mean, not to change her mind.. or to tell her what to do, but.. just to say I love you... and I miss you. Just to say goodbye. My brother's been going through a tough time lately. I wish there was more I could do to help him. I mean, just getting along is kinda new to us. But I guess that's how brothers are. Better to each other and worse to each other than anybody else. I also wish I could make things easier for my mom. I mean, even though it's been a tough year for us, I want her to be happy more than anything. But that doesn't change the fact that I need to get closer to my father because if I can get closer to him, maybe I can find a way to beat him. Once and for all - set the people that I love free. I just hope I have the strength to tear him down for good.

Lucas: Kill or be killed.
Dan: It's the way of the world.

Lucas: [voiceover] Octavio Paz once wrote: Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.

Lucas: Tennessee Williams once wrote: When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone.

Lucas: Nathaniel Hawthorne once wrote: No man, for any considerable period can wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which may be the true.

Brooke: So, thanks for breakfast... We should do this more often.
Lucas: Do what?
Brooke: Be friends.
Lucas: We are friends.
Brooke: Yeah, but we should BE friends.
Lucas: I'd like that.
Brooke: But no benefits.

Lucas: [voiceover] Oliver Wendell Holmes once said: Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.

Whitey: What are you doing here?
Lucas: I just wanted to say hello.
Whitey: You've said it.
Lucas: Nathan got into High Flyers. And, he couldn't have done it without you, so I ... I just thought you'd care to know.
Whitey: Son, the mistake you're making is you think I care. About you, about the team, about anything. I lost the only thing I cared about a long time ago.
Lucas: You know, I have this picture in my room, of the team, from your 500th win. Now the man in that photo looks like a guy to me that still cares about something. We need you coach... Not just to win games. We need you in our lives. Have the surgery.

Lucas: What is Felix's deal anyway?
Anna: He's not as bad as he seems.
Lucas: So why didn't you tell Felix about me.
Anna: It just never came up.
Lucas: Look, Anna... I like you. And, I think, if we hang out I'm just gonna like you more, but, I don't wanna sneak around. You gotta talk to Felix.

Lucas: [voiceover] Katherine Anne Porter once said: There seems to be a kind of order in the universe in the movement of the stars and in the turning of the earth and the changing of the seasons. But human life is almost pure chaos. Everyone takes his stance, asserts his own rights and feelings, mistaking the motives of others, and his own.

Yeah. You see, then a funny thing happened; Haley. She showed me that you can find the good in everybody, if you just give them a chance. The benefit of the doubt. Sometimes, people disappoint you. Sometimes they surprise you. But you never really get to know them ... until you listen for what's in their hearts and that's what Haley did with Nathan. That's what we should do for them. So for you skeptics out there, prepare to be surprised. So this is to my ... brother and my little sis in-law, and in love.

Lucas: I think everybody...knows that Nathan and I got off to a pretty sketchy start. Nathan; mutual hatred sound about right?
Nathan: Worse.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.