Mariana: I don't want to say goodbye.
Callie: I know. Me neither.
Mariana: It's been quite the journey.
Callie: It certainly has. And there is no one that I would've rather done it with.

Joaquin: What's wrong?
Mariana: Evan got his memory back.

Joaquin: So I know emotions were kind of high last night, so if this is just something that happened and you're still figuring things out, then I get it.
Mariana: No, I'm ready to move on.

Mariana: This is my sister, Callie.
Evan: Have we met before?
Callie: Yes.
Evan: I'm sorry, I don't remember.

Callie: Why do you keep roping my sister into these dangerous situations?
Joaquin: I can't control her actions any more than you can.
Callie: You can keep your amateur detective business to yourself!
Mariana: Can you please stop talking about me like I'm not here? Silas was responsible for Evan getting shot. I couldn't just stand by while he got away with it. He needs to be held accountable!

Silas came into my room. He violated my space. He tried to scare me and intimidate me. I'm not trying to avenge Evan anymore. Now, I'm avenging myself.

Evan: So, who was that person you were talking about? The man responsible for me getting shot?
Mariana: Silas, the man who shot you, Adam, worked for him.
Evan: I don't need you to avenge me, Mariana. Especially not with a man who seems so dangerous. You need to be safe. I need you to be safe... for the company and your family, and I never want to be responsible for any harm coming to you.

Joaquin: I can't be casual with you. Not as long as you have these unresolved feelings for Evan. I can't.
Mariana: Of course.

Joaquin: I'm sorry that I'm having a hard time letting go of looking for Madison. Do you really think she wrote her parents that letter?
Mariana: I guess I need to believe it because this is all getting a little overwhelming. I'm sorry that I said that you're an angry person.

Mariana: Former lovers Mariana and Joaquin are suppressing their PTSD by playing amateur detectives.
Joaquin: All while denying their obvious sexual chemistry. Just bump uglies already and get one with it.

Mariana: Maybe this is becoming an obsession that we're both using to avoid dealing with the fact that Evan was shot, and it could have been any one of us.
Joaquin: This obsession saved my sister from Silas, so if I didn't go after this obsession --
Mariana: You know what? She moved on. Maybe that's part of why Jenna left. She couldn't heal with us constantly retraumatizing her with our Silas vendetta. We have to move on. I'm done with this, and I think that you should too.

Evan: I'm curious. What happened between us? Why did we break up?
Mariana: It was complicated.
Evan: Well, what was complicated about it? Bring me up to speed.
Mariana: Ok. Well, for one, we started dating in secret when you were still my boss, and it was hard because the culture here wasn't great for women; it was a big Boys Club, and you didn't see that until I had exposed the gender pay gap.
Evan: There was a gender pay gap?
Mariana: Yeah, there was. And then my app was overrun by white supremacists, and you didn't shut it down right away because it was bad for business, so my friends and I quit. I kept seeing you without them knowing. Eventually, I was forced to tell them when they decided to sue you. It was hard dating someone I kept having to make excuses for, so...
Evan: So you broke up with me.
Mariana: Yeah.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Wilson: Can I ask a favor?
Callie: Of course.
Wilson: I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others about my son -- that he's not studying abroad.
Callie: Actually, that night, I did mention that I had seen him. That's all I told them.