Evan: I'm sorry that you had to make excuses for me when we were dating.
Mariana: I didn't always have to. You're a good man. You always eventually did the right thing, with or without me.

Tech Guy: So, who should we report to with questions about our projects?
Evan: Me.
Mariana: Both of Us.
Evan: I mean, we, us, both.
Mariana: We will be covering everything together as co-Ceos.

Raj: They don't want you out of the company.
Mariana: Well, then, what's going on?
Raj: I'm going to be in a lot of trouble telling you this. They didn't want you to know after all you've been through, but they never recovered subscribers after Zelda posted the lies about the company. Bulk Beauty is going under.

Mariana: Co-CEO or nothing. I know how valuable I am, and I won't sell myself short, so I guess it comes down to how much you need me.
Evan: Co-CEO it is, then.

Mariana: I left Dennis' party the other night because I was having a panic attack. I almost didn't make it home. When I opened the door, Silas was here.
Malika: Silas was here?
Mariana: I don't know if he was really here or I was having hallucinations. I told him to get out, and a couple of seconds later, Joaquin was at the door, and he said he didn't see anyone.

I felt it. I felt the bullet. It went right past my ear. I felt the heat, the vibration; if it had been an inch closer, I would've been shot in the head. I would've died.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Wilson: Can I ask a favor?
Callie: Of course.
Wilson: I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell the others about my son -- that he's not studying abroad.
Callie: Actually, that night, I did mention that I had seen him. That's all I told them.