Matt: What are you, FBI? Huh? What, are you CIA?
Mr. Bennet: I'm not part of any organization that has initials.
Matt: Listen to me. Whoever you think I am, believe me, I'm not him. I'm not... I'm not anyone.
Mr. Bennet: Well, that's not true, you're someone. Someone very special.

Audrey: You're an idiot, Parkman, you know that?!
Matt: Good morning to you, too.
Audrey: Did you think I wouldn't find out about you assaulting a fellow officer?
Matt: I didn't assault him! I just... hit him.

Matt: You ever seen this symbol before?
Ando: Yes. It is a kanji. It means, "great ability, godsend."

Mohinder, no offense. You're a professor, not 007.

Mohinder: So what are we
supposed to do? (about Molly's nightmares)
Matt: I don't know. You're the scientist.
Mohinder: That doesn't exactly make me an expert on nightmares.
Matt: That makes two of us.

Nathan: You reading my mind right now?
Parkman: No. (pauses) Yes. Sorr

(to Nathan) Six months ago I was a cop in L.A. Married, expecting a child, then all of a sudden this stuff started happening. Turned everything upside down. I'm just looking for answers

Nathan: Listen, I'm guessing this isn't official police business. So if I'm there, it won't really make a difference because officialy, neither are you.
Matt: You don't understand. It's Molly. My father did something to her. She's in trouble.
Nathan: What do you mean "did something to her"?
Matt: Come here. (Both step aside for more privacy)
Nathan: Did what?
Matt: He got inside her head somehow. I don't know how he did it, but I think it's all connected. To Kaito, to your mother. It could be dangerous.
Nathan: I can take care of myself. Listen, I have to do this. Let me come with you.
Matt: Fine. We can probably get there faster, you know, 'cause you can uh...(Nods his head upward)
Nathan: I'm not a cargo jet, Parkman!
Matt: Oh, please

Nathan: Hey, you okay?
Matt: When I was 13, my father ran out on us. I haven't talked to him...I haven't seen him. I've spent half my life thinking about what I'm going to say to this guy if I ever got the chance and now I can't even knock on the door.
Nathan: (Knocks on the door) You're welcome!

(to Molly) If you wanna help, help me put the nightmare man behind us, so we can get back to normal. Okay, and just be a little girl, go to school, have fun. And I’ll be an underpaid cop. Deal

Matt: Whoa! Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, slow down! Slow down, slow down! Aah! (both he and Nathan groan as they land) Okay, we don't talk about that...ever again.
Nathan: Agreed.

Hiro: (to Nathan) Flying man!
Matt: (also to Nathan) Who's this guy supposed to be?

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys