Screw as many whores as you want, Fitz, I wouldn’t expect anything less. But you sure as hell better keep them away from my children.

When you're running, you talk about how great you are. When I'm running for office, you talk about how great you are. Is there a scenario where you don't talk about how great you are?

I got here because I managed to escape you, like Liv managed to escape you.

Mellie: It's intoxicating, everyone always doing what I say. I started to think, I can do whatever I want, whomever I want, but that is exactly what they all thought; those old dead guys with their mistresses and their child brides. The pigs! And now, it's happening to me. It's a nightmare.
Cyrus: I never thought about it like that.
Mellie: Well, now you know. You're not the only one with issues around here.

Fitz: You're drunk.
Mellie: That's impossible. A lady never gets drunk.
Fitz: You're drunk, Mellie.

Give any piece of trailer trash a push-up bra and a microphone and those stupid flyovers will eat it up like fried Twinkies.

You and I, we've always wanted the same man, Liv. For him to be the man we know he can be. And after what we did, we owe him this. The chance to run on his own steam and win.

Mellie: I just don't understand why I have to apologize for his affair.
Cyrus: Because that's how it works.

Cyrus: You're worried about James cheating on me? That's...oddly sweet.
Mellie: Once you open that door, Cyrus, you cannot close it again. It changes you. Changes everything.
Cyrus: My husband's not your husband, Mellie.

[to Cyrus] Don't patronize me like I'm some hysterical teenage girl at the beginning of my cycle.

Olivia: Why are you doing this?
Mellie: Because I like it when my husband is the President. I worked very hard for it. I've done a great deal to get us here, and you are going to get him across the finish line. But you can't do that if people know what kind of person you really are. Cheers!

Mellie: I came up with a list of men. Eligible bachelors. Prominent, smart. Pick one.
Olivia: Pick one?
Mellie: Any one of them, it's an equal opportunity list. Tall, short, black, white, Republican, Democrat. I don't care who, just pick one and start dating him. Publicly. So the everyone can stop thinking that you're screwing my husband. Smile, Olivia. The world is watching.