Pearce: I'll say this much for you Westen, you know how to run an Op.
Michael: What Op? We were never here.

Michael: I won't be told what to do forever, I need to know this ends.
Anson: You're done by the end of the month Michael, I promise.

Michael: You help me it's much more likely that I stay healthy, free, and useful to you.
Anson: Fine, I'll help, but here is what it's going to cost you. I get to come along and watch you work, every step of the way.
Michael: [long pause] Deal.

Michael: I don't have time to play these games.
Anson: No, you don't... But, I do.

Ivan, do you keep a lot of CIA trash on speed dial or am I just special?

Anson: I want to know why you do what you do.
Michael: Sometimes good people are handed bad situations, it's not their fault.

Oscar just wants to go home; he wants to know his sacrifices meant something. He wants someone to tell him the nightmares he sees when he closes his eyes help other people sleep better at night.

Ivan: [points at Anson] I don't like your friend here.
Michael: Me either.

Madeline: You have a job to do; you have to stop Anson from ruining any more lives.
Michael: Not sure I know how to do that.
Madeline: Figure it out.

Fiona: What does Anson want with a man in prison for life?
Michael: We find that out, we finally get one step ahead of Anson.

Michael: Think you can use Fi and Sam on this one; I have to go to Tampa
Jesse: Tell Vaughn I said hi.

Michael: We're not letting you commit suicide to send someone to prison.
Ian: Who says you get to make that call. Do the people he killed have a say?

Burn Notice Quotes

Sam: What can I do?
Michael: I just hacked Brennen's cell. I e-mailed you everything on it. I need you to comb through the addresses, text messages and phone calls.
Sam: You wanna know what Brennen's after.
Michael: I wanna know everything. I wanna know who his buyer is, where he's got Nate, what brand of orange juice he drinks in the morning.
Sam: I'm on it.
Michael: And you'd better hurry. 'Cause I get the feeling Brennen's got the Westen brothers fitted for body bags.

Sam: You got the pickup-location, Mikey?
Michael: Train tracks on 10th Street. Looks like the meeting is gonna be on the move so no one can hit it.
Sam: Have to hit it on the move then.

Burn Notice Music

  Song Artist
Song Fun In The Islands Rene Van Verseveld
Song Synthetic Beat Chamber
Song CMP5131 Out Of Range Noizy Ninja