[voiceover] The Earth is large. Large enough that you think you can hide from anything. From Fate. From God. If only you found a place far enough away. So you run. To the edge of the Earth. Where all is safe again. Quiet, and warm. The solace of salt air. The peace of danger left behind. The luxury of grief. And maybe, for a moment, you believe you have escaped.

Haitian: I do not want your cure.
Mohinder: Without it, you could die.
Haitian: God gave me a power. I abused his gift, so he took it away. Now I suffer his judgment.
Mohinder: Then perhaps we should leave it to God to decide

Mohinder: So what are we
supposed to do? (about Molly's nightmares)
Matt: I don't know. You're the scientist.
Mohinder: That doesn't exactly make me an expert on nightmares.
Matt: That makes two of us.

(to Matt) Molly faced her worst nightmare for you. Do the same for her, find him.

(voice over) When confronted by our worst nightmares, the choices are few; Fight or flight. We hope to find the strength to stand against our fears but sometimes, despite ourselves, we run. What if the nightmare gives chase? Where can we hide then?

Nikki: Your nose, does it hurt?
Mohinder: Only when I breathe

Mohinder: (voiceover) There are many ways to define our fragile existence; many ways to give it meaning. But it is our memories that shape its purpose and give it context. The private assortment of images: fears, loves, regrets… for it’s the cruel irony of life that we are destined to hold the dark with the light, the good with the evil, success with disappointment… this is what separates us, what makes us human. And in the end, we must fight to hold on to.

(voiceover) It is man’s ability to remember that sets us apart. We are the only species concerned with past. Our memories give us voice and bear witness to history, so that others might learn; so they might celebrate our triumphs and be warned of our failures

Elle: Sylar's gone. My dad's gonna kill me.
Mohinder: I doubt that very much.
If you hadn't arrived, Sylar would have slaughtered us all. We owe you our lives.
Elle: Really? Cool.

Does the hero or the villain inside us win the day?

The formula is transforming me, and I fear what I'm becoming.

Mohinder: What kind of father would put his children through such agony?
Arthur: Have you met their mother

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys