Mr. Big: What are you writing about this week?
Carrie: Well, I'm working on a story about men who date models. Any thoughts?
Mr. Big: Only that they're very lucky.

Mr. Big: I've been looking all over for you - here you are. Holding a tongue.
Carrie: Well, your message said you weren't coming.
Mr. Big: I thought I said I'd try to make it for an hour.
Carrie: Well, yeah, but then you said that...
Mr. Big: What? What did I say?
Carrie: Never mind, never mind. You're here, you have an hour, let's have a drink.
Mr. Big: Well, I was outside trying to get in for 30 minutes, inside looking for you for 20 minutes so that leaves me with just enough time to tell you that I'm out of time. You have fun.

Carrie: Same time, same place, just you and me.
Big: Well, sort of. Meet my friend Jack.
Carrie: Oh, hi, how are you?
Jack: Marvelous. Going through my second divorce. Bitch is getting everything the first bitch didn't.

Mr. Big: Interesting dress.
Carrie: Meaning.
Mr. Big: Interesting dresss.

Big: What relgion are you?
Carrie: I'm no one in particular, I'm open to all.
Big: Kinda, like a seven eleven.