Come on, fist-to-cuffs? Really?


Nate: I picked you; Hardison, Parker, the others.. I picked you, alright?
Sophie: Ok

Parker: Ooooh sparkly
Nate: Parker, not burgling
Parker: But these jewels are just asking to be taken.

Hurley: Nate, I know I'm not your friend, but I want you to know, you are my friend.
Nate: Thanks.

Oh I ate the sandwich! If he would kill me right now, I would go thank him.


Functioning Alcoholic, functioning... She leaves that out.

They're not trying to cure PTSD; they're trying to cause it.


Nate: Kids making me nervous
Hardison: He's just a kid, how bad can it be?
Nate: How many people said that about you when you were raining digital fire down on their lives?
Hardison: Ok, now I'm nervous.

Nate: You ever been quail hunting Hardison?
Hardison: Do I look like I go quail hunting?
Eliot: Have you ever played a video game where you went quail hunting?

Nate: You want to skip the "behold my genius" part and get to what you found.
Hardison: Alright.

Nate: Why did you come to me?
Sterling: Because you're the best thief I have ever seen, I couldn't risk anything less.

Sophie: So the salt was plan B?
Nate: Plan M actually.
Hardison: Don't I usually die in Plan M? How many plans do I die in?
Nate: C, F, and Q thru M

Leverage Quotes

Alec: I'm just very good at what I do.
Parker: This is the score! The score!
Alec: Age of the geek, baby.
Eliot: Somebody kiss this man so I don't have to.

Eliot: He tried to kill us.
Parker: More importantly he didn't pay us.
Eliot: How is that more important?
Parker: I take that personally.
Eliot: There's somethin' wrong with you.