Nate: Eliot, try not to kill Sterling, we might need him later.
Eliot: I can't promise that!

Hardison: When you say "we" you really mean "me". I don't even know what this thing is, how am I supposed to hack it?
Nate: That's a very good question Hardison, I'm sure you will have it figured out by tomorrow.

Hardison: Because of its atomic mass, this thing is the nuclear version of "the one ring"
Sophie: Ring? What ring?
Nate: Don't get him started.

Nate: You still haven't said what's in it for me.
Sterling: I will owe you a favor. How often does that happen?

Chesney: It seems you killed me after all Mr. Ford.
Nate: I didn't kill you, God killed you. I just made sure it took.

Sophie: You just told him your name!
Nate: I want him to know my name.

Nate: I know what you're going to say.
Sophie: I think you should have a drink
Nate: Ok, I didn't know what you were going to say.

Nate: Hardison, can you do something with that? [hands him phone]
Hardison: I can make a phone call. Nate, I don't have my equipment.

Nate: Hardison do you have anything?
Hardison: Nothing, but a tired Hacker who is actually tired of orange soda.

Mrs Cox: That Sophie woman, I don't think her crackers are quiet toasted. She wants me to moonwalk with a bear.
Nate: No,no, see we are doing a version of the moonwalking bear con.

Hardison: Just one piece of chocolate?
Nate: That's my girl!

Hardison: [doing little dance] Get it, get it, get it.
Nate: Is that really necessary?
Hardison: The man put me in a coffin, Nate, a damn coffin
Nate: That's true.

Leverage Quotes

Alec: I'm just very good at what I do.
Parker: This is the score! The score!
Alec: Age of the geek, baby.
Eliot: Somebody kiss this man so I don't have to.

Eliot: He tried to kill us.
Parker: More importantly he didn't pay us.
Eliot: How is that more important?
Parker: I take that personally.
Eliot: There's somethin' wrong with you.