Linderman: You see, I think there comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning.
Nathan Petrelli: I'd like to think I have both.
Linderman: Can't be done. The two have very different paths. You see, to be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present. No thoughts of what's gone before, and no thought of what's ahead. But, a life of meaning... A man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future.

Nathan: Dr. Suresh? Do you remember me?
Mohinder: Nathan Petrelli.
Nathan: You yelled at my car.
Mohinder: Yes, we met under unfortunate circumstances. I believe I came off as a deranged lunatic.

Mohinder: Peter’s specific DNA allows for a blend. Like colors in a mosaic, resequencing itself to mimic the abilities of those around him.
Nathan: Like a chameleon.
Mohinder: More like a sponge. It’s precisely why I’ve been studying him.
Nathan: Could his condition become dangerous, to himself or to other people?
Mohinder: If he absorbs too much or comes into contact with an unstable ability, then most definitely yes.
Nathan: Can you fix it?

Nathan: Where did he go?
Bodyguard: Who?
Nathan: You're supposed to watch the door.
Mohinder: (pointing to open window) My God, did he just?

Peter: I know you want to help me. You're my big brother and you fix everything but you can't. You can't fix this one this time.
Nathan: Let's just sit down. We can figure this out.
Peter: Okay.
Nathan: Okay?
Peter: Okay. (Peter runs away)

Nathan: There's got to be another way, Peter. Let me help you.
Peter: You can't.

Peter Petrelli: What do you do with something that killed you?
Nathan Petrelli: Put it under your pillow.

Nathan Petrelli: [Nathan sees Hiro in one of Isaac's paintings] I have seen him before.
Mr. Linderman: If you see him again tell him I want my sword back.

You saved the cheerleader, so we could save the world.

Peter: ...I-I think he was trying to read my mind. They were all like us!
Nathan: Dysfunctional?

Hiro: [in broken English] The bomb, it come from the street, destroys everything, everything turn into dust, poof!
Nathan: Your English is a lot better.
Hiro: I met a waitress in Texas.
Nathan: Hm?
Hiro: She teach me many things.
Nathan: Good for you.

Peter Petrelli: I've been up here all night-thinking about this, thinking about my destiny.
Nathan Petrelli: What are you doing, Pete?
Peter Petrelli: It's my turn to be somebody now, Nathan!

Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys