When I was a Junior, in High school I took some stuff to help me with my game, drugs and it was a stupid thing to do. I ended up collapsing on the court and my Dad was all about covering it up for the scouts. Anyway when I left the hospital I went to see Haley because I needed to know if she could forgive me, I wanted to see if I still had the chance to be great in her eyes, and when she did, when she forgave me- that was the moment that everything changed for me. That was the moment that I fell in love with her. This girl who could see past all the mistakes I have made. Now, I guess maybe sometimes I screw up because I want to feel that again. I suppose that sounds pretty broken...

Nathan: It's quiet around here without Jamie.
Haley: Yeah, he's with Brooke, baby steps.

Nathan: How you sleeping these days?
Haley: So, so. Jamie tosses around like a Tasmanian devil.
Nathan: He should probably get back to his own bed soon, the separation thing. Or he could sleep in the spare bedroom with me. You know, sometimes I find your goodness staggering. I didn't get to tell you in the session, but your kindness is overwhelming, Haley. You saved my life. And if I haven't said it lately, you're sexy as hell.

Haley: Hey. I was thinking um... not sleeping in this bed, might not be too bad tonight if you wanted to try it with me... Got anymore of that sexy talk?
Nathan: The kind stuff or the sexy stuff?
Haley: Sexy.
Nathan: You have a serious ass Haley James.

Chris Keller: Looking for your wife?
Nathan: You're funny. You're also done messing with Haley.
Chris: We're just rehearsing, man.
Nathan: No, you were rehearsing. That's over now.

Brooke: How do you do it?
Nathan: Do what?
Brooke: You gave up your family's money to be poor, Nate.
Nathan: You know what they say Brooke, money can't buy love.
Brooke: Maybe so, but my mom sure had a good run renting it for a while.

Nathan: You know, my wish was more along the lines of Tivo, surround sound.
Haley: Well a car will get you off the bus before Keith fires you for being late. [kiss] And make sure the trunk's big enough to fit a body. Just in case.

Nathan: Guess who i saw this morning!
Haley: I get the feeling I'm not gonna like this.
Nathan: Dan showed up at the gym!
Haley: Don't you find it creepy that your dad hangs out round a high school gym?
Nathan: He's Dan, it's all creepy!

Dan: So that's it..you're just going to make that decision?
Nathan: You made that decision for me, the moment you pulled that trigger.

Jamie: [to Lucas] I think you drink too much.
Lucas: I think you're right.
Nathan: Damn, at least someone got thrown into a plate glass window. Dude, it seriously does smell like ass in here.

Nathan: Are you writing a new song or planning on killing me?
Haley: Ehhh, Officially, I'm writing a new song. Unofficially, I'd watch your back... by the way I found a new car on the Internet... looks great.
Nathan: Define great?
Haley: Five hundred bucks great... which actually leaves thirty six bucks in the wish dish so we could probably spring for a full tank of gas.

Haley: What is with you and naked nannies in the pool? [After Nathan catches a topless Mom Deb/Nanny Deb in the pool.]
Nathan: So how are things at the studio? Peyton pulling out of her funk yet?
Haley: Actually, Peyton was out all night, with Lucas.
Nathan: Is that right? What do you suppose they're doing?

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.