Haley: I don't want to see you lose your dream.
Nathan: Lose her? She's right here. I'm never letting go of her.

Nathan: It's been a good life, huh?
Haley: It's been a wonderful life.

You know the first memory I have is sitting in my father's lap holding a basketball. I spent my entire life trying to get me to the NBA, now he's gonna take it away.

Nathan: Do you believe this? Do you realize how ridiculous this is? The guy shot his brother at point blank range and now he has a hit TV show. He's rolling out some rigged up lie detector machine and I have to sit 3,000 miles away and just take it.
Haley: Screw him. I mean it. Let's not even watch the rest of the show. It's a nice day. It's a nice life.
Nathan: How can you be so strong?

Haley: He is the healthiest looking dying man I've ever seen.
Nathan: I guess evil does a body good.

There's never gonna be a golden ticket back into my life. I'll tolerate you for Jamie, but you're dead to me. The moment Keith died, you died.

Haley: Can Clay fix this?
Nathan: No. As of five minutes ago, I'm not gonna be a Bobcat.

David: We're actually having fun together. She's the first person who's made me smile in a long time.
Nathan: Just make sure you like her for the right reasons, and not because she reminds you of your sister.

Nathan: You working hard, or hardly working?
Julian: Wow, that's your movie quote? Shrek 2?
Nathan: I like Shrek 2.

Nathan : She's just trying to be strong for everyone.
Haley: By giving up?
Nathan: By accepting the situation she's in.

Lydia: You're taking good care of my daughter. I remember they day you came to ask our permission to marry her. You were so nervous. But I looked into your eyes and I just knew
Nathan: What did you know?
Lydia: That you were gonna change my daughter's life. And I was right.

You are responsible for raising the woman who changed my entire world. I'll never forget that Lydia. Thank you for saying yes.

One Tree Hill Quotes

I found my other half.


Jerry: Dude, were you really just plunging toilets?
Mouth: Yeah, we really gotta stop serving tamales at happy hour.
Jerry: You know how guys are, huh?
Mouth: It was the girls' bathroom.