Laurel: You're really cute when you're mopey.
Oliver: I'm not mopey.
Laurel: Mopey's your default Ollie. It's part of your smoldering charm.
Oliver: I do have smoldering charm.

Mom, it doesn't seem fair to me. One mistake and it feels like my entire life is over.

Oliver: Oh you psychopath! Shado...Shado wasn't yours!
Slade: No. She was yours. Until you chose another woman over her!

Oliver: She reminds me so much of me when I first came home, when it seemed so hard to believe in anything even resembling hope.
Felicity: But you did, you did. Eventually. Sara will, too.

Moira: There's only one way this night can end and we both know that, don't we, Mr. Wilson?
Oliver: Mom!
Moira: Please tell me both my children will live.
Thea: Mom! What are you doing?! Mom!
Moira: Thea, I love you. Close your eyes baby!
Oliver: NO!
Slade: You possess true courage. I am truly sorry you did not pass that on to your son.

Thea hates you right now because of the things you've done. Terrible things. So let her see you do something good. As mayor.

Oliver: Mom, I know a little something about sacrificing myself for the good of this city. It's what you need to do now.
Moira: I know.
Oliver Good.
Moira: Oliver. I know. I know. I've known since last year, I suppose. The night of the undertaking everything became so clear. It's pretty much the night I stopped sleeping.
Oliver: Before you say anything else...
Moira: There's nothing else to say. Nothing I need to say. Except I could not be more proud.

Sara: That's not true. I wanted to kill Roy because that's what I do. That's who I am. I spent six years in the darkness and I looked into the eyes of the devil and I gave him my soul.
Oliver: I can help you get it back.
Sara: No. You deserve someone better. You can harness that light that's still inside of you, but I'm not that person and I never will be.

Barry: Actually, it was only one guy. I'm sorry I'm late. My train was late. Actually, the second one. The first one I did miss, but that was my cab driver's fault. I have this great traffic app and he thought that he was right. But, I'm here now though.
Lance: Great, who the hell are you?
Oliver: And do your parents know that you're here?
Barry: I'm Barry Allen.

Barry: I'm guessing you don't know how hard it is to break someone's neck.
Oliver: Hm? No. No idea.

Diggle: Why am I getting that you know more about this than Felicity's new friend?
Oliver: Pray I'm wrong.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.

Arrow Quotes

I thought you took that book off your father's dead body. How could he have been so chatty?


She was my sister. I couldn't be angry because she was dead. I couldn't grieve because I was so angry, that's what happens when your sister dies while screwing your boyfriend.
