Owen: I don't wanna hurt you again. My problems they're real, and this, this makes us real. It makes my problems your problems. I'm afraid. I don't wanna hurt you again.
Cristina: You can sleep in the bathtub.
Owen: What?

Cristina: That list is everything - it is my future. It is my salvation. The list is life.
Owen: You're comparing the merger with Schindler's List?
Cristina: I'm Jewish. I'm allowed.

Alex: Oh, he's lost a huge chunk of flesh. I see down to his mandible. We'll need plastics and an ENT consult.
Owen: Left IV looks as if it's clotted off. I need 16 gauge in there.
All the interns: I'VE GOT IT!!!!
Owen: Woah woah woah, what's going on? It's 4 in the morning, is everyone on call?
Cristina: It's the merger. Everyones scared to go home.
Owen: I don't think the Chief meant that people couldn't sleep.
Cristina: It's hard to sleep when your jobs on the line.
Owen: One of you... get as much type specific blood as they'll let you have and meet us in surgery.

Cristina: I played hide and seek today. I didn't go to surgery because some 9 year old miraculously peed without blood. Ok, I can't do this anymore.
Owen: Then don't. Tell Dr. Robbins you don't think peds is your thing. What is the big deal?
Cristina: The big deal is that the Chief is in there right now making a list.
Owen: You don't know that.
Cristina: Yeah, a list of who stays and who goes. I can't be on that goes list.

Owen: Rough day.
Derek: Oh, I need some sleep.
Owen: Ok, lets go home.
Cristina: I can't. I just got kicked off of pead's. I'm totally screwed.
Owen: Cristina come on...
Cristina: No, I can't sleep. I can't.
Meredith: (Der kisses her head) I can't leave if she's not leaving.

Cristina: You know, I'm sorry. I'm leaving.
Owen: Woah.
Cristina: No.
Owen: Woah. You need this. Put this on. Ok.
Derek: There we go.
Cristina: No, I no!
Owen: Now, hit the ball.
Cristina: I don't wanna hit the ball. Oh my god!
Derek: Oh! Here we go, here we go.

Owen: Batter, batter, batter, batter.
Cristina: What are you trying...
Owen: You need to stop thinking about what's gonna happen, you need to focus on what is right in front of you. Now, hit the ball!
Cristina: Oh my god! Oh my god! I got it!
Lexie: Ok!
Cristina: I did it! I did it.
Meredith: Now you like baseball!
Derek: Oh here we go little Grey. Let's go.

Owen: Stevens, I have something for you if you're interested.
Cristina: Well I'm interested.
Owen: An MBC came in a while back during his work up I found an abdominal sarcoma. Since then I've been following his recurrences, and uh, he came back today with his 3rd one. Wondered if you could scrub in? If you feel ready.
Cristina: I'm ready!
Owen: He's in pre-op.
Cristina: You know I need a surgery.
Owen: You know I don't play favorites. Please have been afraid to work with Stevens. Like she's gonna break or something. It's not right. She's a good surgeon, and she has a way with patients. And, a light touch.
Cristina: You want nice? I can be nice too. I can be nice to a dying husk.
Owen: Yeah, not a light touch.

Owen: Are you whoring yourself out for surgeries?
Cristina: Oh shut up. You forced me into it!

Owen: He had a couple of months, and we just took that away.
Izzie: I'm sorry, it's my fault.
Owen: No, it's my fault. It was my call, and it was the wrong call. I was wrong and I should have known better. I should have... I should have taught better. You see one in a million and you want to believe. I was wrong to do the surgery, I was wrong to put you on this case. You weren't ready. You weren't ready to be here. You beat the odds Steven's, you were one in a million. But, you cannot be a doctor and a patient in here. You have to choose.

Teddy: What is wrong with you?
Owen: You.
Teddy: Me?
Owen: Yeah you. You come over here...why did you tell me this now?!
Teddy: Why do you even care?
Owen: You didn't say a thing. All those times, all those years. So why now?
Teddy: I don't know.
Owen: You don't know?!
Teddy: I don't know, I don't-what does it matter to you, you never felt the same way-
Owen: Of course I did! Of course I did, I had all those feelings for you Teddy for years, but you never gave me anything.
Teddy: You were engaged, you were engaged, you were engaged you idiot! (spoken at the same time as below line)
Owen: You never gave for years! You never gave me one damn hint!
Teddy: You idiot. I have loved you...forever. I have loved you when I was coupled up. I have loved you when I was single. I have loved you every second of every day...
Owen: Teddy...
Teddy: I love you. I'm in love with you.
Owen: I'm in love with Cristina.

Owen: You'd be good in the field. You've got this battle scar, you'd fit right in.
Cristina: Yeah, right ...
Owen: I'm serious. You should ditch this place. Go for the adventure. You telling me this place gives you a rush? A high?
Cristina: [pauses] Yeah ...

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
