Does this family exist anymore? Are there people who eat dinner and smile at each other without watching TV?

Peggy: No. Cancel it. What about the moon landing?
Don: It was a success.
Peggy: No, DON, I have to talk to people who just touched the face of God about hamburgers!

Peggy: Should we have lunch?
Joan: I want to burn this place down.
Peggy: I know. They were awful. But at least we got a yes. Would you have rather had a friendly no?
Joan: I don't expect you to understand.
Peggy: Joan. You've never experienced that before?
Joan: Have you, Peggy?
Peggy: I don't know. You can't have it both ways. You can't dress the way you do and expect...
Joan: How do I dress?
Peggy: Look, they didn't take me seriously, either.
Joan: I don't dress like you because I don't look like you and that's very true.
Peggy: You know what? You're filthy rich. You don't have to do anything you don't want to!

Stevie: Johnny said you were the kinda girl who doesn't put up with things.
Peggy: Really? What else did Mathis say?
Stevie: He said you were funny and that you were fearless.
Peggy: [chuckles and hands him her cannelloni] I love veal.

I haven't taken a vacation, well, ever.

Peggy: Ted told me I have to fill out my own performance review.
Don: I guess he respects your opinion.
Peggy: I'm tired of this.
Don: I'd start with that.

Don: What do you see for the future?
Peggy: Well, that on there?
Don: No, I'm just curious.
Peggy: I'd like to be the first woman creative director at this agency. [Don grins] That's funny to you?
Don: No, I'm impressed that you know exactly.

Peggy: This is supposed about my job, not the meaning of life.
Don: So you think those things are unrelated?
Peggy: I didn't know you'd be in a mood.
Don: Do you want to do this or not?
Peggy: Why don't you just write down all your dreams so I can shit on them?

Peggy: They all have their own toy. If we want enthusiasm, we should just have one toy.
Stan: Like a Battle Royale. Just throw one in there and the last kid standing gets the gig? You hate kids.

Stan: What did you do?
Peggy: I'm here and...he's with a family somewhere. I don't know, but it's not because I don't care. I don't know, because you're not supposed to know...or you can't go on with your life.

Peggy: Would you drink vermouth?
Roger: Yes, I'm afraid I would.