Rory: Is it hard to become a member here?
Richard: Everyone has to go through a thorough screening process.
Rory: Kind of like the FBI?
Richard: We're much more thorough than that.

Rory: I can't date you, Tristan.
Tristan: Well I give you permission.
Rory: And on that humble not... (Rory walks off)

Lorelai: He kissed you and you said 'thank you'?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Well that was very polite.

Rory: What is that stuff?
Lane: Eggless egg salad. Though this year my mom added food coloring to make the egg-like product look more eggy.
Rory: Smart.
Lane: And every sandwich comes with your own personal pamphlet "Dancing for the Devil", an illustrated look at the effect of dancing on your chances of spending all eternity in hell.
Rory: Boy, her flames are getting really good.
Lane: Well, she just bought a new color printer. You can do a ton of stuff with it.

Rory: Jamie just asked you out on a date.
Paris: He did?
Rory: Yes
Paris: Did I accept?
Rory: Yes.
Paris: I'm going out on a date?
Rory: Yes you are.
Paris: Oh man, I finally get asked out on a date and I missed it. Was it a good ask out?
Rory: It was a very good ask out.
Paris: God I wish I'd been there.

Rory: I can't be late on my first day of school. Do you know what happens to people when they're late on their first day?
Lorelai: It's shorter?
Rory: For the rest of the year, they're labeled "The Late Girl."
Lorelai: How dramatic.

Rory: Yes, but I'm going to be wearing shoes. Nobody's going to see my feet.
Lorelai: Okay, but everybody knows that private school girls are bad. And bad girls always wear red nail polish.

(writing in the guestbook) I sat and forever am at work here.

(Lorelai told the B&B's owner that she's a publisher, who told others)
Lorelai: I published Good Night Spoon... and the Horse that wanted to Bark.
Guest: Oh, I've read to my grandson! The horse really wanted to bark, and it finally does, and... (to Lorelai) How does it end?
Lorelai: It dies.
Rory: But... the horse learned to bark and achieved its goal, so it was really a happy ending!

A cool B & B. That's like saying an understated Nicolas Cage movie.

Lorelai: That's what you got busted for, ringing a bell?
Rory: Yeah, mhm.
Lorelai: That's it, bell ringing?
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Were you at least smoking a Cuban cigar while you were doing it?
Rory: Mom!
Lorelai: No. I mean bad girl. How many times have I told you not to ring bells.
Rory: Let's go.
Lorelai: They can dent or scratch. And they make dogs crazy. Who do you think you are, the Hunchback of Notre Dame? Are you French, are you circular? I don't think so.

Rory: Can you keep a secret?
Lorelai: Not so far, but hey, there's a first time for everything.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
