Rory: Where should the poached eggs go?
Luke: Crank in the hat.
Sy: Hey, I'm not a crank! You're a crank, crank!
Rory: He is a crank.

Jess: Look, the crazy ballet teacher called and asked when Luke was getting back from the funeral, if I could unlock the door. I came down, I unlocked the door, then went back upstairs and back to sleep.
Rory: So you did do a little something.
Jess: I unlocked the door.
Rory: So that people could come in here and put this together. Nice.
Jess: Nice for them, not for me.
Rory: You facilitated it, you made it happen, so I guess that means that you're officially a part of our town now.
Jess: Hey, wait a minute.
Rory: Welcome.
Jess: I am not part of this town.
Rory: See you for some tree planting over at the Arbor Day Festival, buddy.
Jess: Yeah, well maybe I can knock over a liquor store while everyone else is planting those stupid trees.
Rory: As long as it's a liquor store in town, neighbor.

(Jess stumbles down the stairs)
Lorelai: Oh, you're very graceful.
Jess: She pushed me.
Rory: Sue me!
Jess: I could've broken my neck!
Rory: (hands him a pot) As long as it's not your arm, we need your arm.

Lorelai: It's repetitive.
Rory: And redundant.
Lorelai: It's repetitive.
Rory: And redundant.
Lorelai: We certainly are entertaining, Mac.
Rory: Indubitably, Tosh.

Rory: Taylor's wigging.
Lorelai: I know. He's been sitting there like the final days of Dick Nixon for almost an hour.

Luke: (to Rory) Did you find a nail in your food? (to construction worker) Tom, you're dead!
Rory: There's nothing wrong with my food.
Luke: Sorry, Tom!

Rory: I just wanted to thank you.
Luke: For what?
Rory: The care package. It was really sweet.
Luke: What care package?
Jess: Uh, Luke, they're hitting the water line again.
Luke: What? Tom, you are dead. You hear me? Dead! (Goes off)
Jess: Wanna pay?
Rory: Funny, I don't think Luke knew anything about the food last night.
Jess: That'll be $12.50.
Rory: Which means you lied about why you came over.
Jess: I'm out of quarters, I'll have to give you nickels.
Rory: You wanted to come over!
Jess: I gotta get back to work.
Rory: You're squirming. I've never seen you squirm. It's entertaining.
Jess: Yeah?

(Rory is trying to get Jess to leave)
Jess: Are you sure we couldn't sit down, have a little heart-to-heart? He'd tell me his issues, I'd tell him mine, we'd hug.
Rory: (opens door) Go.
Jess: (going outside) Okay, well give him my best...(sees Dean at bottom of steps) Actually, I think I might do that myself.
Rory: He just dropped by to give me some food.
Jess: From Luke's.
Rory: He wanted to make sure I ate.
Jess: Luke did.
Rory: Yeah, Luke did.
Jess: Personally, I could care less if she eats.
Jess:(sees what Dean's holding) And what's that? Aw, a little ice cream package just big enough for two. How sweet. (Dean glowers at Jess) Oh, now you're doing that towering-over-me thing. Huh. You've really got that down. It helps that you're like twelve feet tall, but add that Frankenstein scowl it's just.
Rory: Jess.
Jess: Okay, I'm leaving. (starts to walk away, turns around and says to Dean) I really was just dropping off some food, so don't get all West Side Story on me, alright?

Rory: People are different once you get to know them. If you'll remember, you weren't too fond of Luke when you first met him.
Lorelai: That's not true.
Rory: You called him Duke for two years just to make him mad.
Lorelai: And let me tell you, it worked.
Rory: But then you guys talked and eventually, time went by, and now you love him.

Rory: So, what guys do you have for the rain gutters?
Lorelai: Oh... a few other guys.
Rory: Like...
Lorelai: Like... Mo.
Rory: Ah, Mo.
Lorelai: And... Lou.
Rory: Good man, Lou.
Lorelai: And Moose, that is, if Doris'll let him out of the house after what happened at Chickie's bachelorette party-
Rory: Mom, I thought you were going to give Jess a chance
Lorelai: Rory, I just don't feel comfortable around him.
Rory: You didn't like Luke when you first met him.
Lorelai: Not true.
Rory: You called him Duke for two years just to make him mad!

(Alarm clock goes off with the sound of ducks as the alarm sound) Lorelai: Hey, ducks! Rory: (at door, talking to Jess) We just got a new alarm clock. Jess: Bet I know what the lead story in the Stars Hollow Gazette's going to be tomorrow.

Rory:(about Sherry) She's a very safe driver. Stops at yellow lights, uses her turn signals...
Lorelai: So she will not be driving our getaway car.
Rory: What are we robbing?
Lorelai: A Sephora. We talked about this.
Rory: Right. Sorry.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
