Hey, we're outta here, chief. I'm taking Trent home like a goody bag.

Aidan: Oh wow. I just can't get over the fact that I can touch you.
Sally: You're not as cold as I thought you would be.
Aidan: Okay. That's weird.

Okay, one thing I do miss about being a ghost is that I woke up this morning and tried to whoosh myself down here and fell on my face.

Josh: You need to snap out of it.
Sally: I'm hungry.
Josh: They're empty calories, Sally.
Sally: Everything I eat is empty calories. Nothing sticks. I had two whole chickens last night. And a tub of ice cream. I have it handled. I'm just stressing. Every time I leave the house I think I'm going to think I'm going to kill somebody.

After Danny murdered me, I spend some time ghosting, then limbo - don't recommend it - and, uh, a witch brought me back. As, uh, what you kissed.

Sally: Their drinks come in bowls.
Aidan: Yep.
Sally: Best place ever.

Sally: You are not alone. But you're being a douche bag.
Aidan: Yeah, I get it.

Sally: My friends, Nick and Zoe are coming over, and they make me want to blow my brains out.
Max: They sound like lovely people.

This is a place of comfort. I am very comfortable. My back feels like amazing.

Sally: What will you do with it? My soul?
Donna: You no longer have the right to know.

Wow. If you can locate a discotheque in this decade, I will go with you.

Nora: I had no idea you were so were so beautiful.
Sally: You can see me? Oh my God, Nora, I've been wanting to talk to you for so long! How can you see me? You're not dead are you?
Nora: I'm a wolf.

Being Human Quotes

Every human spends a night or two on the dark side and regrets it. But what if you only exist - on the dark side?


We're all hiding something, aren't we? From the moment we wake, look in that little mirror, all we do is spin our little lies.
