Sami: A wise man once told me that when you do find true love, you better never take it for granted. You have to cherish it cause it's a gift.
Roman: You know what, that wise man that told you that, he probably had way too many beers.

EJ, it made me feel like piece of my soul had been ripped out of my body and I would never get it back.

Sami: Maybe he's just talking the talk.
Kate: Oh yeah, because that's so much like Stefano. No follow through.

Oh, good for you. You read the other parts too, not just the parts about you having sex with my fiance in the shower.

You're still the same spineless slut you were a few days ago. Obviously you don't even have the guts to come clean in your own prissy little press release.

I'm not going to stand her and pretend that I think that home wrecking skank is an innocent doe-eyed victim. She knew what she was doing and she didn't care who got hurt.

If it weren't for poor, little, slutty Abby, if you wouldn't have had sex with her none of this would have happened.

Kate: I think our protection really is that there's no way that even Stefano wants to explain to his grandchildren that he had their mommy and grandmama rubbed out.
Sami: Aw, the old softie.

Kate: I would know if he was going to take a hit out on us.
Sami: This is ridiculous. Do you think other families have conversations like these?

So I'm hoping that you can understand why I am doing what I am doing but if you can't then I suggest you keep your head down and stay the hell out of my way.

That's really what you do. You say a whole bunch of things to people who don't want to hear it.

Sam (to Adrienne)

I'm shaking in my stilettos. Boy, please. I'm just getting started.