Elle: We can't take what we want anymore.
Sylar: Says who?

Claire Bennet: [whispers] Sylar...
Sylar: I've waited a long time for this.

The world is my hostage, Matt. Anybody. Anytime.

I understood it before, the killing. I had a reason—to take what others didn't deserve. It was natural selection.

HRG: This is all one big game to her.
Sylar: Maybe. But aren't you curious how it all plays out?

This is usually the part where people start screaming.

You and I have trust issues, doctor.

I'm back.

Turns out you're the villain, Peter. I'm the hero.

Sylar: Haven't I killed you before?
Peter Petrelli: Didn't take.

Nathan Petrelli: Brother versus brother... it's almost biblical.
Peter Petrelli: My brother can't walk through walls! Who are you?
Sylar: An old friend... the guy they blamed for blowing New York. But you and I know the real history, don't we Pete?


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Heroes Quotes

You are not faster than me, nemesis.


Only together can we be the stewards of our own destiny.


Heroes Music

  Song Artist
Song Road to Joy Bright Eyes
Song Mustang Sally Wilson Pickett
Song I Want It That Way Backstreet Boys