Running from me is foolish. Foolish but also brave.

They say only the guilty sleep in prison.

Those two can outlive a cockroach.

You need to be alive. You need to be awake so you can spend all your days knowing that I have taken everything that was suppose to be yours.

You've already been a rodent Mr. Smee. Does life as a simian interest you as well?


Regina: This isn't the wild west.
Zelena: No dear. It's the wicked west.

Right now I need something to defeat the woman who's puppet mastering your boyfriend.

That feel-good nonsense Snow, might play in the Enchanted Forest but this is Neverland.

If she wants to kill you she's going to have to go through me.

As long as your alive Henry will never be mine.

Magic here is unpredictable.

Zelena: There you are my lovely voice. It's so nice and friendly.
Regina: Shut up.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
